need parallel port for addressing flight sim hardware. will this work..

:roll_eyes: i have a project that im working on that requires 5bit bi-directional databus (parallel) and a 8 bit address bus.. to make matters worse I need to generate a strobe to say "data valid" when you read or write, and of course a r/w( w = LOW) line..
I think that I can use a few pins to do data out via a 74ls595 shift register for my address bus.. byte = deviceID(5bits) + channel (3bits)
Im having a lot of problems with the parallel bus stuff. any help please.. thanks

Proposed Structure(s)

reserved Rx Digital Pin 0 - PD0
reserved Tx Digital Pin 1 - PD1

and then use 5 digital pins for my databus they are called A - E
A to Ardunio Digital Pin 2 - PD2
B to Ardunio Digital Pin 3 - PD3
C to Ardunio Digital Pin 4 - PD4
D to Ardunio Digital Pin 5 - PD5
E to Ardunio Digital Pin 6 - PD6

RW to Ardunio Digital Pin 7 - PD7
ST to Ardunio Digital Pin 8 - PB0

spare 1 Digital Pin 9
spare 2 Digital Pin 10

// Address Bus
Data (pin 14) to Ardunio Digital Pin 12 - PB5
Clock (pin 11) to Ardunio Digital Pin 13 - PB4
Latch (pin 12) to Ardunio Digital Pin 11 - PB3

WRITE The arduino writes to the custom hardware
write cycle:

  1. address bus selected via a comparator on the hardware
  2. R/W(low)
  3. STROBE(low)
  4. then the data is put on the bus
  5. then STROBE(high).
    shift out address via pins 11 - 13
    output 5bits word via pins 2 - 6
    output W (low) via pin 7
    output ST (low) via pin 8

Read: The ardunio READS from custom hardware

  1. address bus selected via a comparator on the hardware
  2. R/W(high)
  3. STROBE(low)
  4. then the data is put on the bus
  5. then STROBE(high).
    shift out the address via pins 11 - 13
    output 5bits word via pins 2 - 6
    output W (high) via pin 7
    output ST (low) via pin 8