Need pointing in the right direction (TFT diplay)

Think I may just get a new shield/TFT want to go a bit bigger maybe a 2.8" or 3.2" are there any shields/tft's you would recommend

I personally like SPI displays. The display with the ILI9341 looks best:


Been looking at this

Any thoughts? And how would I go about powering up the gps module if I had a shield? As it looks like that shield covers them all



Sainsmart is good. They also usually offer their own librarys.

And how would I go about powering up the gps module if I had a shield?

How is this related to the TFT?

covers them all

What do you mean by this?


At the moment im using vin and a ground pin to power the gps module but if you look at the pic below the shield plugs into them. Does the shield/tft need all of these?

No. You can additionally attach (solder) the GPS module also.


Ok sweet and have been quickly looking about at them screens and was wondering if i could just write text to it? most of the stuff seems to be a bit more graphics orientated on that screen

Have been looking into the UTFT fonts think these would work?

Ok sweet and have been quickly looking about at them screens and was wondering if i could just write text to it? most of the stuff seems to be a bit more graphics orientated on that screen

You can make each individual pixel whatever colour you like - a font is just a group of pixels so, yes, you can write text to these screens. Some of the example sketches will show you what they can do.

Have been looking into the UTFT fonts think these would work?


Ok nice :slight_smile: have ordered that screen now should be with me within the next couple of days, thanks for all your help Oliver has really helped a lot!!