Need programming help, dual stepppers. Will$$

Help with programming? Willing to PAY $$ for your time.
I’m making a Glass Lathe for my son and need help with programming.

So basically have two rotating heads that operate at the same speed, most of the time.
Looking for speed control, direction, and a few other variables.

Purchased two NEMA 23 steppers for the heads and also have two DM556T controllers and a UNO.

Thanks so MUCH, Randy

How do you plan to indicate your required speed and other variables to the Arduino?

There is a section on this forum for payed programming jobs: Jobs and Paid Consultancy

Was hoping to have a digital readout for speed,

This is a commercial lathe, wanting to do have similar controls .

A stepper would not be my "go-to" for a lathe spindle: the steps might show up in the product you're making.

I do a lot of custom building of machines/project for other people. One of my first suggestions is usually to not attempt building something you can buy off the shelf, so here goes.

What do you want this to do that an off the shelf motor drive/speed control can't?

Well, glass lathes are several thousands of dollars, most are old school, heavy metal and both heads spin off the same shaft. Using stepppers can slow or speed up one side to cause a twisting motion.

Sorry, should have been clearer. I didn't mean why are you building a glass lathe; I meant what will the stepper drive give you that an off the shelf motor and motor drive wouldn't.

Building a controller is cheap (?) if you do it yourself. However it typically costs less to buy one than to pay someone else to build it for you.

Knowing what the off the shelf controller can't do is key to understanding exactly what it is that you need.

Looking to have a potentiometer control speed, and have a couple preset buttons for speed also, have a separate pot to slow down or speed up one side just a few steps to cause a twisting motion.

How fast does it need to run (RPM range).

0 to 200 RPM, also would like ramp up and down on the preset speeds, Say 100 RPM and another 80 RPM.

OK. Sounds pretty straightforward. Similar to another device I built that had to twist a piece of fabric.

I'll send you a PM. If you're still looking for someone to design it for you, I'm sure we can work something out.

So the equipment I have is two NEMA23 4.2A stepper motors, two Stepper Drivers DM556T, DC power supply, UNO starter kit, DC PWM speed contoller. Thanks Again. RANDY

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