Need replacement or equivalent components for Arduino Duemilanove

I am a newbie, trying to build Arduino Duemilanove.
However I am unable to get the following components:
MC33269 with 7805 regulator
Can i know the equivalent parts like them.

The AP1117 series of regulators might be a match (they are commonly available and low-dropout I believe - possibly
even the same pinout?)

Any p-channel logic-level MOSFET with an Rds(on) of 0.5ohm or less will probably do for NDT2955 - the voltage rating depends on where it
is in the circuit (if Vin, then 25V or more would be wise). But I might be wrong - the MOSFET circuit may require
specific voltage response (its used for power source detection and switching I believe). If you are not needing
supply switch-over then its probably not needed.

The AP1117 series of regulators might be a match (they are commonly available and low-dropout I believe - possibly
even the same pinout?)

Any p-channel logic-level MOSFET with an Rds(on) of 0.5ohm or less will probably do for NDT2955 - the voltage rating depends on where it
is in the circuit (if Vin, then 25V or more would be wise). But I might be wrong - the MOSFET circuit may require
specific voltage response (its used for power source detection and switching I believe). If you are not needing
supply switch-over then its probably not needed.

The auto-voltage mosfet switch is only being used in +5vdc service, it doesn't see the Vin voltage level at all.


Got it will be replacing MC33269 with 7805 Voltage regulator both give +5 V...
Now just need NDT2955T replacement...

Polarity Struct Pd Uds Ugs Id Tj Tr Cd Rds Caps

  1. CET6601 P MOSFET 3 60V 20 4.3 150 4nS 95 0.086 SOT223
  2. CET6861 P MOSFET 3 60V 20 3.5 150 5nS 80 0.13 SOT223
  3. NDT2955 P MOSFET 3 60V 2.5 150 0.3 SOT223
  4. SSM9575 P MOSFET 3 60V 25 4 150 5nS 165 0.09 SOT223
  5. WTN9575 P MOSFET 3 60V 25 4 150 5ns 165 0.09 SOT223
  6. ZXMP10A18G P MOSFET 3.9 100V 20 3.7 1055 0.15 SOT223
  7. ZXMP6A17G P MOSFET 3.9 60V 20 4.1 637 0.19 SOT223
  8. ZXMP7A17G P MOSFET 3.9 70V 20 3.7 635 0.25 SOT223

will any of one will replace NDT2955

Why not use the same parts

Why not use the same parts
NDT2955 onsemi | Discrete Semiconductor Products | DigiKey

srry i wont be able to purchase online...

Isn't this the part?
3. NDT2955 P MOSFET 3 60V 2.5 150 0.3 SOT223

The 7805 is NOT pin compatible with the mc33269!
Why not use an older circuit without the MOSFET (diecimilla?)
Auto power switching is of somewhat questionable usefulness.