Need sample code and connection help for an LCD with SSD1963 driver

I am new to the Arduino and I want to use a larger ( 5" or larger) screen for a project that I want to build. I found an lcd
from NewHaven that uses the SSD1963 diver and I have searched for over 2 days looking for a video or documentation on
how to hook up and test one of these.

if theres anyone out there that could help me reach that goal , I would really appreciate the help


As it is only a 320x240 display, it looks usable. the pin description is in the datasheet

search SSD1963 + Arduino on google and in the search box up top.

I would recommend getting an easier display to start using arduino with. For starters, the LCD is 3v not 5v so you cannot connect the arduino pins directly, they need to be stepped down to 3v first.

I have a 3.2 tft that I'm not going to bother using until the Due comes out for this reason. There is a shield that will step down pins for you.

What is it you intend to do with the display? If you aren't experienced at writing efficient code on the Arduino, the frame rate could suffer miserably.

Thanks for the reply,

I have the desire to make a touchscreen that only involves button shapes and screens that dont need to refresh very often
kind of like a keypad. I have experience with analog components so I believe that I could reduce the voltage down to
3.5v pretty easily and I have alot of programming experience with visual basic and some C++.I see that the Arduino is a
little different from both of those and I'll have to "beat my way" through the bush to figure out the rest.

Can you tell me what librares to use with this screen ?, and did you ever hook up any kind of screen that uses that
driver? sure could use a schematic.

The data sheet is the best way to understand it

There are 4 colour modes from 8bpp ( 256 colours ) to 24bpp ( 262k colours ). It has its own PWM and GPIO out, looks like a functional but very complex screen. Stores that sell these may provide some sample code.

Second post in this thread looks promising

Probably this message arrive too late...
I have checked UTFT library for Arduino, the SSD1963 is there, have a look inside UTFT.h, with 9 different options for display resolution, always connected with 16bit parallel.
For the 3.3V, you can buy DC-DC modules from ebay/aliexpress, search for "LM2596", for 10$ per 10 pieces, such modules are very useful, to reduce heat dissipation on Arduino.
If you can make your display working, please post you comments.
Good luck!