Need some advice on Servos

Hello all.
I am completely new to the Arduino world, but I have a new project in mind and have been reading about microprocessing for the past few hours am in buying my first board in a couple hours.

Goal: Basically, my goal is to automate processes on my phone. I will do this by using a styallus, attach it to a permanent location, then have a moving platform below it that my phone will sit on. I will control the touch by using 4 servos at the corners that will work in unison, a servo on the top and the side, which will control the left/right, up down, motion.

It appears that the code used in the Arduino software, is very very similar to PHP, which I am knowledgeable about.

My question is what is the best way to accomplish this goal, and what are the parts I will need. I know the servos, and the bread board, but are there any resistors, or transmitters I will need, and how difficult of a project does this sound like?

Thank you everyone.
David Gascon, newbie.

Since the phone is likely heavier than the stylus it usually makes more sense to keep the phone stationary and move the "stylus".

The basic Arduino UNO can control up to 12 servos and connects directly to the control wire of the servo. You'll probably power the Arduino through the USB connection but that 500 mA won't power even a single servo. A typical servo will need a power supply of 4 to 6 volts and about 1 Amp (1000 mA). Multiply the amperage by the number of servos that are moving simultaneously.