Ok I have played a little with my arduino Franzis. Nothing spectacular but I have grasped a few basics. Never being the person to shy away from a problem. I am looking to make a sort of traction control system with a friend for an RC boat. Similar to a quadracopter needing the 9dof as the 6dof doesnt have the compass so yaw drifts.
So I have got the 10DOF board probably need the Arduino mega as it has more outputs etc.
The boat is a 60inch carbon fiber deep v mono hull running a nitro engine race prepped with a fully enclosed radio box perfect to get all the equipment in.
The controls need to be as follows:
during pitch changes (eg hitting a wave, hard acceleration/deceleration etc) the stinger (the leg that holds the prop shaft - in ours has servo adjustment for 2 degrees +/-) needs to move. so during pitch changes the stinger will be moved by the servo.
during roll the trim tabs (4 metal plates out the back all individually adjustable via servos need to compensate the roll - think plane control surfaces)
The yaw will be controlled from land via the transmitter for steering - however a small degree of input for course correction in straight line situations if you hit a wave and move off course. e.g. if as a controller the input is -20 to +20 for me to steer the boat. The ardunio can make -3 to +3 course correction. So any input greater than 3 would over ride the arduino and allow me to steer the boat.
What I am trying to achieve is a closed loop arduino system (think its closed loop) with 5 servo adjustment and the 6th being steering correction.
Lastly I would like to achieve a point as well that the trim tabs would work in harmony with the stinger. so if excessive pitch up or down occurs then the trim tabs can act as pitch control and bring the noise down or up as well.
Basically I hope after all the development that I can tweek it in our boat so that no matter at sea, riding another boats wake, in rough lake water or perfect calm smooth water. The boat keeps its self flat (in plane) and can power along faster than human input trying to balance all the controls via a transmitter.
First part is apart from the 10dof board what ardunio will I need and what other board components will I need.
Thanks all.