Need some help with for statement and obtaining values

Need some help with the basics.
I need to put the value from allButtons which is the 10 digital inputs from my board into a variable that I can check with a switch statement.
* *if (anyChange) {     Serial.print("Buttons: ");     for (int i=0; i<numButtons; i++) {       Serial.print(allButtons[i], DEC);       }     Serial.println();* *
This is section of my code is giving me the state of the digital inputs that I need; a 10 digit binary number, but I cannot use the allButtons byte in my switch statement as I get the error that the quantity is not a integer.
I am sure its my comprehension of C at this point that is giving me grief. Just not sure how to take a value that is obtained by a for(int=0, etc) statement into an value that I can use.

Would you show us all your code?

Here is where I am up to so far Larry.

const int numButtons = 8;  

void setup() {
 for (int i=2; i<numButtons; i++) {
    pinMode(i, INPUT_PULLUP);
 Serial.println("Begin Complete Joystick Test");
int positionX; 
byte allButtons[numButtons];
byte prevButtons[numButtons];

void loop() {
  // read digital pins and use them for the buttons
  for (int i=2; i<numButtons; i++) {
    if (digitalRead(i)) {
      // when a pin reads high, the button is not pressed
      // the pullup resistor creates the "on" signal
      allButtons[i] = 0;
    } else {
      // when a pin reads low, the button is connecting to ground.
      allButtons[i] = 1;
  // check to see if any button changed since last time
  boolean anyChange = false;
  for (int i=0; i<numButtons; i++) {
    if (allButtons[i] != prevButtons[i]) anyChange = true;
    prevButtons[i] = allButtons[i];
  // if any button changed, print them to the serial monitor
  if (anyChange) {
    Serial.print("Buttons: ");
    for (int i=0; i<numButtons; i++) {
      Serial.print(allButtons[i], DEC);
switch (allButtons)  {
case 0x200: positionX = 1023; break;
case 0x300: positionX = 921; break;
case 0x180: positionX = 819; break;
case 0x0C0: positionX = 717; break;
case 0x060: positionX = 615; break;
case 0x030: positionX = 513; break;
case 0x018: positionX = 411; break;
case 0x00C: positionX = 309; break;
case 0x006: positionX = 207; break;
case 0x003: positionX = 105; break;
case 0x001: positionX = 0; break;
default: positionX = -1;


allButtons[i] is an array of numbers, not an integer.

unsigned int  buttnumber = 0;
for (int i=0; i<numButtons; i++) {
      Serial.print(allButtons[i], DEC);
     buttnumber = (1<<buttnumber) | allButtons[i];

will place your 0/1 allButtons[i] values into the single integer number "buttnumber",
for example buttnumber = 0x0111000101 = 0x1C5

then simply

switch (buttnumber) {
case 0x200: positionX = 1023; break;
case 0x300: positionX = 921; break;

Thank you so much for the quick reply. I will give it a go

I am almost there but still having some trouble. I added the code as pito showed (thanks again! I never would have worked that out) and had some success. Here is my current code.

const int numButtons = 10;  

void setup() {
 for (int i=0; i<numButtons; i++) {
    pinMode(i, INPUT_PULLUP);
 Serial.println("Begin Complete Joystick Test");
int positionX; 
byte allButtons[numButtons];
byte prevButtons[numButtons];
unsigned int  buttonState = 0;

// get input into: tenBitValue, then 
void loop() {
  // read digital pins and use them for the buttons
  for (int i=0; i<numButtons; i++) {
    if (digitalRead(i)) {
      // when a pin reads high, the button is not pressed
      // the pullup resistor creates the "on" signal
      allButtons[i] = 0;
    } else {
      // when a pin reads low, the button is connecting to ground.
      allButtons[i] = 1;
  // check to see if any button changed since last time
  boolean anyChange = false;
  for (int i=0; i<numButtons; i++) {
    if (allButtons[i] != prevButtons[i]) anyChange = true;
    prevButtons[i] = allButtons[i];
  // if any button changed, print them to the serial monitor
  if (anyChange) {
    Serial.print("Buttons: ");
    for (int i=0; i<numButtons; i++) {
        buttonState = (1<<buttonState) | allButtons[i];   
      Serial.print(allButtons[i], DEC);

  switch (buttonState)  {
case 0x200: positionX = 1023; break;
case 0x300: positionX = 921; break;
case 0x180: positionX = 819; break;
case 0x0C0: positionX = 717; break;
case 0x060: positionX = 615; break;
case 0x030: positionX = 513; break;
case 0x018: positionX = 411; break;
case 0x00C: positionX = 309; break;
case 0x006: positionX = 207; break;
case 0x003: positionX = 105; break;
case 0x001: positionX = 22; break;
//default: positionX = -1;
 Serial.print("Position: ");
 Serial.print("ButtonState: ");
 Serial.print(buttonState, BIN);

But this is the results -

So it appears that not all of the data in the allButtons array is being transferred into the button state?
What am I over looking?

What am I over looking?

The bitWrite() function.

Thanks Paul. Will look into it further.

Just wanted to say thanks Paul. I was struggling with bitWrite as I am only starting out with this coding caper but after you pushed me twice in that direction, I bit the bullet. Due to that I not only have it working, I actually worked out the 'for' statement and used it for my code -

for (int count=0; count<10; count++) {

And I understand how it works!! lol

Thanks again for the help gents.