Hi. I'm trying to display on multiple led matrixes (6 8x8 and 2 8x32) connected in a line using an arduino nano but i have nearly no idea how to begin with the programming. I kinda understand how the pins work now but i have trouble understanding how i could control each 8x8 section and make them display what I want. Everywhere i look on the internet they only use 1 8x8 section and there is no explanation how to display on multiple.
Hardware to drive LEDs.
Already built.
Software to drive the hardware.
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I'll check the library out once I'm home. Thank you
If you want control of each pixel in a specific panel, this a function call using the following library...
lc.setLed(0, 2, 1, state); // panel 0, x = 2, y = 1, ON/OFF
Some examples:
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