Need someone to write a sketch

Hi there. I am new to Arduino and have gotten myself a bigger project than I have to time to tackle.

The project seems fairly simple in my head. I would like to run a linear motor in the outward position for an x amount of time. The motor would start softly and ramp into 100% speed, then ramp down a set amount of time prior to getting to the stopping point. It would do this in the open and closed function under the same parameters. Ideally this would all be done with a double click of a button as to not accidently bump the button. (Double click----- ramp 25%-200% over x amount of time---- run 100% x amount of time---- ramp down 100%-0% to stop).

I would like to have an emergency stop function, Separate E-STOP Button

Then in the case it of an E-Stop have the ability to go from the E-Stop position to fully closed. This could possibly be done by holding one of the buttons.

That is pretty much the jist of the sketch. I would really appreciate someone to help me complete the sketch portion of this project if possible.

Send me a private message if interested.

Not sure I understand this. In a true E-Stop, it shouldn't be possible for the stopped machine to do anything until the E-Stop condition is removed. i.e., if you're using a standard E-Stop pushbutton you need to reset it before anything can happen.

Linear motors have been used on some experimental railroads. Can you provide documentation on your linear motor?

Correct, the E-Stop gets pressed and will need to be released prior to the machine being able to function at all. However at this time the machine will be anywhere in the stroke and the time frame will no longer work. Thus needing to be reset by holding the button

Progressive automations PA-04 with hall effect sensor

BTS7960 43A High Power Motor Driver

Linear actuator is not a linear motor.

Indeed, and a linear actuator is much simpler to control.

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