My son needs to build a robo vehicle moving with precision straightness and turning (mostly 90 degree), running with 9v (max) using 6AA. Based on research they found stepper motor + gyro using PID correction logic would be best. Can some one suggest best combination of stepper motor type, best motor driver, gyro etc for this application? The vehicle need to cover about 10-12 meters distance in 50-60 seconds including turns. Any info is appreciated.
Welcome, more information is needed, what have you chosen? How big is it? have you designed the electronics? How about the mechanical? Post your preliminary annotated schematic showing how this is interconnected with links to technical information on the hardware devices. Posting your preliminary code will help. Remember you need to build this one thing at a time and get working before the next.
Thanks for your response. Basically, my son tried with Lego ev3 kit, but PID correction is not good so they are trying to explore using stepper motor and I am trying to get info about right stepper motor type and other corresponding required components. The robo vehicle will be small, weight will depend on motors and wheels+tires chosen. Chassis will be acrylic and will have arduino, gyro, motor driver cards. So must be around 1 pound total. If we find around 50mm diameter wheels, then it will need around 75 rpm. It needs be driven by 6AA batteries which is 9V supply.
I suggest you surprise him with the Arduino Cookbook. I expect he will probably not put it down for a while. It is a great source of information and will have most of your project worked out including some of the code. PID is not simple, there are so many permutations that are possible and a minor mistook can have major consequences.
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