need to run 2 dc 9 volt gear motors with Arduino Uno.

Hello , I am a new forum member and am also new to Arduino. I am trying to find instructions on how to connect two 9 volt dc gear motors and a joystick to the Arduino uno . The only information I could find is about connecting stepper motors or servo motors.
Any help would be most appreciated.

Thank You

Do you need these motors to turn in one direction, or both? Do you need speed control, or just on/off?

What are the max current needs of the motors (stall current)?

What kind of joystick?

Ideally - if you can give us datasheets or manufacturer/model #s for the parts - that would also be helpful.

Joystick's reasonably straight forward: if it's analog with 2x potentimeters at right angles, just work off this code but double up. Using that approach you could PWM your motors for speed, subject to connecting the motors safely.

With a bit of cunning you could use the analog values from the joystick to handle motor direction, since the stickis likely centred normally.

Pololu have a range of modules for connecting motors of various current and voltage characteristics, check here.

Hello, I am making a pan/tilt camera jib for my camera.I would like to use 2 -12volt motors with the following specs.Could I use the Arduino Uno to run these motors?

no load characteristic
no load current 100mA
no load speed 50rpm

Load characteristic
rated Torque
rated current 300mA
rated speed 40rpm
stall Torque
Rated current 1.1A

In my previous post I meant 2 -12 volt motors, not 9 volt.

Yes you can. With a suitable motor shield (which should be easy for 0.3A).

What type of motor shield should I use with the arduino UNO

1 Like

An Arduino Motor Shield would work, anything capable of driving 2 DC motors should
be OK

I am using two 60 rpm geared motor to run a robot using an l293d motor driver IC. I am using a 9V battery but the robot is not moving forward. Do I use 12 V instead of 9V to run . Please suggest

What type of motor shield should I use with the arduino UNO

This shield would be fine.

It can drive motor from 6 to 15V, tipically 9V, 12V motors are fine.
It handles 4 DC motor @ 600mA, if you have only two motor and if you need more current, you can remove the unused L298d and piggyback it on the used one and double increase the available current.
1.1A are close to the limit of the piggybacked L298d but the standard motor load could be managed.

If you want to stay safe this is a 4A motor shield.

This is not a motor "shield" but it's a common motor "driver module". 2A, 25W max -> easily enough.

I am using two 60 rpm geared motor to run a robot using an l293d motor driver IC. I am using a 9V battery but the robot is not moving forward. Do I use 12 V instead of 9V to run . Please suggest

No, 9V are perfectly fine for a L293d driver, the issue is somewhere else.
You can still try with 12V, but this won't solve the "real" issue.

I am using a 9V battery...

Would that be a 9volt smake alarm battery?
Then no. They can't provide the current for motors. At least not for long.

And yes, it is wise to use a ~12volt supply for 9volt motors if you want them to run at full speed.
Because the ancient/inefficient L293D drops/looses about 2-4volt in H-bridge mode.

Edit: All the shields/modules mentioned by daysleeper use the L293D and L298 motor drivers.
Both chips are ancient/inefficient. Not wise if you have to use battery power.
Stores like Adafruit have long ago replaced that v1 L293 shield with a v2 that uses TB6612 mosfet drivers.

Both chips are ancient/inefficient. Not wise if you have to use battery power.

That's simply true, even though the OP didn't mentioned batteries, the mosfet shields perform better.

On the other hand should also be noted that "my" shields arrive in my mailbox with exactly 2€ (2.24$ now). The adafruit one is 19.95$, plus 32.86$ shipping, and also plus estimated 11.62$ customs (which is strange. the item cost should be below the minimum taxable amount, afaik).

Talking about beginner users, i don't think that's wiser not to suggest a 2.24$ shield, which is old but can nevertheless do the job, because a 64.43$ one is more efficient.

Sure, but you should compare clones with clones.
The v2 clone is US4.99 on ebay, including shipping.

The v2 clone is US4.99 on ebay

Good to know.
I actually can't find it (in EU) for less than 7$, but anyway that's a proper reply!