For several years, we've been using OpenWrt as our OS on devices such as the tp-links, Nexx, Gl.iNet and others. The problem is that the hardware is constantly changing or becomes hard to find and we have to spend time finding a replacement device then updating our software, testing then buying up more devices if they work. This is something that is taking up a lot of our time.
I am looking for something that we can buy, one, two a few at a time and even in the hundreds at a time that won't become hard to find within six months.
The requirements for the device are as follow.
-Pricing including everything per unit must be sub $50US. Lower when we order quantities, 100+.
-Minimum CPU 500Mhz. Higher minimum if 1Gb NICs as it must keep up with data transfers.
-Need minimum of built in 16MB flash and 64MB RAM.
-Need devices to come in the cases or cases be easy to order and install when we install our software.
-While we use single NIC devices, we would prefer dual NIC devices.
-Need NICs in both 100Mbps and 1Gbps. If all devices come with 1Gbps, even better.
-Must have no moving parts and use as little power as possible. Better if it can be USB powered.
Wondering if Arduino might be a solution that would fit our needs.