Need two-way comm with Xbee

Okay, let me start by saying I just started working with these modules that were given to me by a friend. I have two Xbees, an Xbee shield v1.2 and a USB Xbee adapter. So I have connected the USB adapter with an Xbee to my PC, confirmed it shows up and usb/serial port com14. I then loaded a sketch provided by Seeed on the arduino, see below.

Example from Arduino SoftwareSerial tutorial
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial mySerial(11, 12); // RX, TX

void setup()  
  // Open serial communications and wait for port to open:

void loop() // run over and over
  if (mySerial.available())
  if (Serial.available())

So what this all does is I open the serial connection to the bee plugged into my computer and with the arduino connected via USB I opened a serial monitor in the IDE.

When I type something in the putty window, it shows up in the serial monitor of the Arduino. Pretty cool really.

So what I want to do ultimately is connect some sensors to my arduino and send a string from my computer that tells the arduino I want sensor data. It doesn't have to be streaming data, just the numbers from the sensors at the moment I asked for them. So when the arduino receives the "Send me data" string, it sends back the data. Basically a wireless weather station. But I don't want the arduino to transmit data unless I ask for it. Does this make sense?

I'm going to start out with a photoresistor just to return some arbitrary numbers that I can see changing.

Thanks in advance everybody.

But I don't want the arduino to transmit data unless I ask for it. Does this make sense?

Yes, and the XBees are perfectly capable of that.

What is the problem?

Yes, and the XBees are perfectly capable of that.

What is the problem?

There's not really a problem, I just haven't figured out how to do it yet. As you can see from the very basic sketch I pasted, it's just a two-way serial print. I can send characters from putty over the local radio to the radio on the arduino and they print on the serial monitor as I type them, likewise I can type a string in the serial monitor and click "send" and it shows up on the putty screen.

I'm just not sure how to send a query to the arduino over this and get my sensor data back. Let's say I have a photoresistor set up on the arduino taking measurements of ambient light every 10 seconds or so and I want to send a string to the arduino for the most recent measurement. What would the syntax be for that, assuming my commands were just a specific string for example, I send "GetLightLevel" or shorten it to "GL". How do I modify the code to recognize "GL" as a command?