Need your help with button box

Hey everyone, Happy New Year!!

So i built this button box with switches from this youtube video MAKE THIS BUTTON BOX | 32 FUNCTION w ENCODERS - YouTube.
My wiring is exactly the same and i was excited it was gonna work but one thing i didnt notice was all these switches were momentary.
Now i built this button box with 4 encoders and all latching switches which i intended to use. All my buttons work as intended if only 1-3 are toggled after that any switch will activate multiple switches and the board will just hang until the switches are off. Is there any way to make this work?
Maybe use a different board ? Maybe a better way ? Please help. Thanks!!

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You are asking for help on a project we can't see without going to another web site, with wiring we can't see, with code we can't see. There are some clever people here but I don't think any of them are telepathic.
Having said that, the obvious answer is to swap the switches for the correct ones.