Need your input, generating eagle libraries, would you find it usefull?

When I began playing with electronics (not that long ago) I found that there were a few things that seemed to take a long time to get past. For one, when I am interested in a part that wasn't commonly used, usually I ended up tirelessly searching the internet for examples and/or tutorials. Another big issue I had was finding eagle libraries for the parts, and also locating the parts I needed in the library once I had them.

I decided I would start building my own website that would link users projects together based on the parts that are in the projects/tutorials, This way I could click on the part and see all the projects and tutorials on the site that included the part.

My next step is to add in a way to download the eagle library for all the parts in a project, that way when you go to build your schematic you have a library of just the parts you need.

My question is, does anyone else have these same issues? Do you think that you would use a feature like this?

If you want to check out what I have so far, you can visit, I would love to get some feedback.

Thanks, Joe

I got the library generation working, when you are on a project look for "Download Eagle Library" and you can download a library with the parts on that project. Now I just have to work on getting all the definitions in...