Needing Help with a Camera

I have a project that I would like to use a Micro Camera on. The goal is to have a basic object, lets say a specific rock that is of know shape and color. The camera would then take a picture of the rock and identify if something was on the rock, like a bug. Maybe even a specific bug.

  1. What micro camera could I use (something high definition)?
  2. Is there a way to program arduino to be able to notice if the bug is present?

A very small camera is needed due to the space that the picture would have to be taken.

Smallest I know of is the XIAO ESP32S3 Sense;

Screenshot - 21_08_2024 , 09_47_12

That can use either an OV2640 (2Megapixels) or a OV5640 (5Megapixels).

Can run on battery, but power hungry.

The program buttons are tiny and not so easy to use, so for intial work stick to something like a standard ele-cheapo ESP32CAM where you can add an easy to use programming adapter.

Screenshot - 21_08_2024 , 09_51_32

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I need to know this too.

Your question has a lot of maybe. Do you know what you actually want to do? It's hard to build something with a lot of maybe in it. Decide for certain what you want to do and then meeting those requirements will be much easier.

Will it be a bug? What kind of bug? A big bug? A small bug? Is it the same color as the rock? Or will it stand out?

You've got a whole lot of work yet to even describe the problem. You're not ready to start building anything until you know what exactly it has to do.

Know what ?

I know specifically what i am doing with this project. i asked 2 questions that i wanted to know if anyone had an answer for. Those 2 questions could be applied to something small or big. I could have easily stated that i was taking a photo of a specific building and wanted to detect if king kong was hanging on it.

You could. But the answer for how to find King Kong on a building may be very different from finding an ant on a large rock.

You may know what you want to do, but right now you want someone else to help. And if you give an incomplete description of the problem then you will probably get a bunch of responses that are simply wrong guesses.

Maybe you think it's the same to see an ant on a boulder or King Kong on a building but the fact of the matter is that you don't know. If you did then you wouldn't be here asking. So you should take note of the things that people here who do know are asking.

King Kong on a building could be done at very very low resolution and still be successful. Finding an ant on a boulder will require a lot more resolution.

Maybe you need this camera. Maybe you need that one. It depends on what you want it to be able to do.

So yes, you could have asked the question in any way, but it is a waste of our time and yours if you're just going to insist on being as vague as possible.

  • the esp32 cam is 'low quality', but programmable ( altought the cpu is quite limited for image processing )
  • commercial cams ( like action cams, for example ) are high quality, but with a limited sets of features

If you need high quality images and can post process these images, I think the second is a good choice.
But hey, espcam is a bargain ( at around $5 ) so you can give it a try.

It's probably good enough for spotting King Kong on the building. For as much as OP has given us I'd say problem solved. No?

Raspberry Pi camera V3, 12 megapixel.

Probably not. Use a Raspberry Pi.

A Raspberry Pi Zero 2 is almost the same size as an esp32. The V3 camera is also close in size. I agree with the conclusion of @EmilyJane

Thank you EmilyJane. This is what I was thinking the answer would be, but wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.

Which camera is the best?

'best' in which way ?