Needs quick attention

I see nothing about that, Virustotal and Malcure webscan (web site scanners I sometimes use) say there's nothing suspicious on
I think (hope) that such Avast message is a false positive, I abandoned Avast years ago for this and other reasons...
PS: btw, how can Arduino blog be a phishing site??...

I would agree it does not sound like Arduino would do such a thing.
And to be honest it is the first time I have seen that.
However I have taken due diligence and reported it here.
False positive is probably the cause as you say.

Avast has seen me a number of years and has been consistently lightweight compared to Norton Mcafee bloatware.
We all have out own favourite security set ups.

Does Avast have a scan log, showing what it has found here enough to say it's a "URL:Phishing" infection?

PS: Maybe it just doesn't like the uncommon TLD "cc"... :wink:

Hi @Ballscrewbob. Thanks for your report.

Which URL were you attempting to open when you got this? I see in the screenshot, but I wasn't sure whether that was the page you were on before you attempted to open the page that triggered the detection, or whether the detection occurred while opening

Was opening the main Ardiono page.

Still throwing the error.

Thanks for the clarification.

Arduino's security team has escalated this to Avast in order to verify that the detection is a false positive.

Once that process is completed, the Avast database will be updated so that this detection will no longer occur.

Thanks so much for bringing this to our attention @Ballscrewbob!

Just to add to what @Ballscrewbob reported, I can confirm it's the same for me too when accessing on a Windows 10 PC using chrome.

I expanded the details and got this additional information:

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Which Browser are you using, when attempting to open the site?

I only say this because I know the browsers can be the problem. I always do a check with a second browser if I hit any type of connection problem.

In my particular case, I happen to have another W10 PC, this time using Firefox v113.0.2 (64-bit) and accessing I get:

Firefox indicates a different URL. My W10 Chrome PC goes with the previous URL.

Both PCs run the free version of Avast with the same version:

Program version:           23.4.6062 (build 23.4.8118.783)
Virus definitions version: 230531-0
Number of definitions:     22,306,208
UI version:                1.0.762

That rules out the browser, which just leaves the cookies.

Does Avast install any of these on the browser on instal?

I am running the same Firefox version with Avira,with no problems.

On my PC with Firefox, I've just deleted all cookies and site data and gone back to

Avast still triggers a threat warning, but with a slightly different URL:
If I then refresh the web page the suspicious URL reverts back to that of post #11.

There's probably enough info now for Arduino / Avast to figure out what the suspicious file(s) is/are.


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