Hey guys,
So I have a project that requires I rotate a table in 90 degree increments.
I would like to use a simple photo eye sensor to activate one 90degree turn.
Also I would like a button to jog the table a few rotations at a time.
So I assume a simple program with 2 pins to receive the sensor, button info
The motor is a nema 34, 200 step and will connect with simple belt gears, so 50 steps will not equal 90degrees.
My main question is, is arduino the best option for this? I want to power up machine and it goes to work.
Would anyone be interested in helping set this up? For hire
Driver specs: Leadshine DC advanced microstepping stepper drive, 7A per phase, 2-phase output, 24-70 VDC, bipolar, velocity and position mode, 200 to 12800 steps per revolution.