NEMA17 and L298Nm will it burn?

Dear All,
I am new in Arduino community and I am trying to learn more about electronics. I already apologize if the question is not well formulated!

I am trying to fix an old delay line using an Arduino Uno R3, a NEMA17 ( QSH4218-51-10-049) and a L298N bridge.
However I am worried that the motor can burn because I am gonna use a power supply with switchable step voltage (3V to 12V) and current of 2250 mA.
Since the motor works with a current of 1A, I am worried that its resistance (5 ohm) might burn if using this power supply.
Moreover, is the L298N motor driver appropriate for this stepper motor?

Thanks a lot in advance for your help!!

The 298 is possibly one of the worst and oldest drivers out there.
Only useful for quite small motors.
Would suggest you invest in a better driver just to get going.

The motor should work just fine but the obsolete L298N will run very hot, it needs adequate heat sinking. You will lose 2.8 volts per channel, that amounts to 2.8 watts per coil or 5.6 watts burnt as heat doing nothing helpful. I highly recommend you get another H driver that has CMOS outputs.

Thanks for your reply. Can you recommend me some better driver?
Thanks a lot

A4988, 8825, HR4988, TMC series. A3967, TB6600, BTS series, DM556.
Just to name a few.

Partly it may depend on your expected load by way or torque and or RPM or the accuracy you want.

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Great, Thanks a lot!
I will get a A4988 driver, probably the "big easy driver" would work just fine for me.

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I would use a 24volt supply with that hybrid stepper.
A current controlled driver and 12volt or less will result in poor speed/torque performance.
Stepper drivers also have an absolute minimum voltage, which is 8.5volt for the A4988.

I did connect everything and the motor is like shaking back and forth... not really spinning!
The low Voltage I am using might be the cause??


Shaking can be a couple of things.
Usually it is a wrong set of connections but it can also be a power factor.

Wawa is correct in that 24 volt is a better option but ensure you have more amps than you think you need.

Can be several things.

  1. The motor supply for the A4988 is less than 8.5volt.
  2. One of the motor coils needs to be swapped.
  3. You didn't adjust motor current properly.

What are the values of the sense resistors on the A4988 you have,
and what voltage did you set the pot to.

Dear all,
I don't really understand why but if I connect the 5V "power" on the arduino board to the +12V contact (instead of the 5V one) on the L298N driver works perfectly!
Anyway, I will switch to the A4988 soon.
Thanks for help!

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