NEMA17 with DRV8825, It makes noise and vibration? but doesn't rotate well..

Nowadays, I'm making an linear actuator with NEMA17 stepper motor and DRV8825 driver.
And the powering is done with 12V 2A DC adapter.

I completed the arrangement of circuit like the attached file (VDD=5V, Step and Dir were connected to 9 and 8 respectively). Unfortunately, It makes only noise and vibration but doesn't rotate.. My code and video are also attached. Please give me a solution of this problem. (1.13 MB)

Nothing attached. Do you know the coil arrangement of the stepper? Have you adjusted Vref to set the coil current? There is a video on this page that shows how to do it and other information on the use of the DRV8825.

What is in the .ZIP file that I am afraid to download. Not to mention the clutter on my hard disk and the hassle of extracting its content, even if it is harmless.

The Pololu DRV8825 web page has a good wiring diagram.
This Simple Stepper Code can be used for testing.

Stepper Motor Basics

Have you read the "how to use the forum" stickies that tell you how to format and post code? And this will explain how to upload images. A live link to your video will get more people to look.

it is very simple the enable pin must be low a direction of high or low set and then on the step pin you use a 'for' loop to make the step pin high then a delay of 2 microseconds or more try 200 then send a low step with another delay same length within the 'for' loop. the distance you want to turn is determined by the number of for loops eg a 200 step/rev set the 'for' to go 200 times. But that is not the problem you need to adjust the pot on the drv8825 board for about 0.8volts and tweak around for best movement. for linear motion you need to measure how far one rev gets you and convert to steps/ mm or inch etc

What model is the stepper, NEMA 17 simply tells us what physical size it is, a link to spec would be good?

Can you please post a copy of your circuit, in CAD or a picture of a hand drawn circuit in jpg, png?

Thanks.. Tom.. :slight_smile: