NEO 6M GPS module

i purchased this GPS module: GPS module - Fun met Electronica

AKA the (NEO 6M 001)

While using the "full example" of the tinygps++ library, i see that i'm receiving data from the GPS module (bytes received) so i know the module is OK. However, the LED light on it is just straight on (what means that there is no sattelite locked to it).

I tried lying it in the back of my car for a few hours, i tried it near the window. But i cant get it to lock in to the sattelites.

I'm using an Arduino UNO, connected by USB power.
The GPS module is connected to the 5V.

Any ideas?

Can you think of any more information that we could possibly use to help you solve your problem?


i see that i'm receiving data from the GPS module (bytes received) so i know the module is OK. However, the LED light on it is just straight on (what means that there is no sattelite locked to it).

You cannot assume that just because your recieving characters that the GPS is 'working'.

Indeed the fix LED is independant of the Arduino, meaning the GPS works without the Arduino connected, it just needs power. So conclude your GPS is not working, as in not getting a fix.

Some trouble shooting tips to follow here;

GPS Tutorial

@srnet thanks for the link to the troubleshouting tips, gonna check that out tomorrow, i will keep you guys op to date!

and indeed, i did the conclusion of my GPS chip way to fast.

It would really be helpful if we could see what kind of output you are getting on the serial monitor.

Meanwhile try puting the device back in your car window for several hours (I assume your car is outside) in order to help it get the data it needs. You don't need the computer for this as long as you can get power to the device some way.


A Ublox NEO 6M with a working antenna and a reasonable view of the Sky will get a fix from cold in around 35 seconds.

If it takes more than a minute then assume it or its antenna is faulty.

I have seen a NE0 6M take a while to get a fix, as much as 5 minutes, but that was with one of those silly tiny antennas and in a poor location.

NEO 6M GPS module is highly sensitive to any structures/obstacles above it.

You can use U-center software of Ublox to check what is happening with your GPS in terms of number of satellite lock and signal quality.