Neo6 vs L80/LC86L tracking project

Anyone else using the Neo6 and L80 and LC86L?
I work with a tracking system and use Neo6, L80 and LC86L modules connected to Pro-mini and communicate via LoRa module. They have the same PCB hardware (they are made for Neo6 and L80) and the same Arduino software. The Neo6 has larger antennas than the L80/LC86L except for one that I have mounted an antenna of the same size as the L80/LC86L. All my Neo6 are better than L80/LC86L. My Neo6 with a small antenna is similar to those with a larger antenna, I see no difference. I have also mounted the antennas I use on the Neo6 modules to some L80 modules without seeing any big difference. The Neo 6 works well indoors and even better outdoors, but the L80/LC86L must be placed close to a window or outdoors. After a sleep period of a few hours, the Neo6 often gets a fix within 30 seconds, while the L80 and LC86L take up to a minute or more. If they are indoors half a meter from a window, it often takes longer. Is Quectel that much worse than U-blox's gps modules?
A little fun fact. I bought 4 Neo6 modules this winter from Aliexpress. They came with antennas, all four antennas were crap. No fix, even outdoors with them. With other antennas, the gps modules worked just fine.
PS:I have a professional programmer as a coder, I am only the electronics guy.

I see no significant differance in the cold fix times etc between a properly working Neo6M and the Quectel L70 or L80 GPS.

Cold fix time on the 6M slightly better, but then thats got a larger antenna. Hot fix time on the L70 or L80 quite a bit better than the Neo6M.

One advantage of the L70 and L80, is the significantly reduced power consumption, for a tracker the batteries for an L80 equiped tracker would last maybe 3-4 times longer than a tracker using a Neo6M.

The Quectel L70 can be used with a simple wire antenna which makes for a very light GPS indeed.

The best performing GPS I have come across is the UBLOX SAM M8Q, very low average power consumption, fast cold fix and hot fix times.

The Neo6M is quite an old GPS, large, heavy and uses a lot of battery power. Great care is needed with sourcing them as there are large number of fakes out there that may not work or configure properly.

When the receiver is placed outdoors, there is little or no difference in the time before the first fix. It is when the signals from the satellites become weaker (indoors) that Neo6 is faster and better. The devices are attached to the animals' collars, so the location is not ideal. The devices transmit three to four times a day, so power consumption is not a big problem. They are only active in the summer months. They are programmed so that when they get a fix we turn off the gps and the arduino goes to deep sleep. If they don't get more than four satellites within 2.5 minutes, we switch off the GPS and the arduino goes into deep sleep. If it gets more than four satellites, it waits for another 1.5 minutes before the gps and arduino go to deep sleep.

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