NEOGPS library error 'class NMEA GPS' has no member named 'UTC Seconds Start'

I'm using NEO GPS Library in my project to build clock based on GPS.
I tried to used example SyncTime.ino but when I compile it, I got an error message: 'class NMEA GPS' has no member named 'UTC Seconds Start'
Anyone has same trouble like me? Can anyone help me with my error?

Please post a link (using the chain links icon on the forum toolbar to make it clickable) to where you downloaded that library from. Or if you installed it using Library Manger (Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries in the Arduino IDE or Libraries > Library Manager in the Arduino Web Editor) then say so and state the full name of the library.

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  • When you encounter an error, you'll see a button on the right side of the orange bar "Copy error messages" in the Arduino IDE (or the icon that looks like two pieces of paper at the top right corner of the black console window in the Arduino Web Editor). Click that button..
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I tried to used example SyncTime.ino but when I compile it, I got an error message: 'class NMEA GPS' has no member named 'UTC Seconds Start'

As mentioned above, posting the actual error you get would help everyone to help you, as would posting the actual code you are using, see the forumpost entitled 'How to use this forum - please read' for details on how to do this.

If you are calling a function called 'UTC Seconds Start' then that would likely cause an error, you probably meant to use the function name 'UTCsecondStart' note carefully the capitilisation and lack of spaces.

The function is "UTCSecondStart", not "UTCSecondsStart" and certainly not "UTC Seconds Start" which is not even a valid identifier. Just look in NMEAGPS.h in the library.