
Sorry for my very bad english (and thanks to google translation!) ... I'm french! ...
I want to make a GPS laptimer to know my lap time on a track, record my track in an SD card and later in kml format.
In my system I use a DUE arduino a UP501 GPS module (10Hz) connected on the serial1 of the arduino, an OLED screen 128 * 64 2.42 '' ssd1309 and a module for SD card to record my GPS data.

I'm trying to use the NeoGPS lib GitHub - SlashDevin/NeoGPS: NMEA and ublox GPS parser for Arduino, configurable to use as few as 10 bytes of RAM and I have a problem with it! I got to run the example NMEA.ino, now I would like to do the NMEA_isr.ino example to do NMEASDlog.ino next

#include <NMEAGPS.h>

//  Program: NMEA_isr.ino
//  Prerequisites:
//     1) NMEA.ino works with your device
//  Description:  This minimal program parses the GPS data during the 
//     RX character interrupt.  The ISR passes the character to
//     the GPS object for parsing.  The GPS object will add gps_fix 
//     structures to a buffer that can be later read() by loop().
//  License:
//    Copyright (C) 2014-2017, SlashDevin
//    This file is part of NeoGPS
//    NeoGPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//    (at your option) any later version.
//    NeoGPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//    GNU General Public License for more details.
//    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//    along with NeoGPS.  If not, see <>.

#include <GPSport.h>

#include <Streamers.h>

// Check configuration

  #error You must define NMEAGPS_INTERRUPT_PROCESSING in NMEAGPS_cfg.h!

static NMEAGPS   gps;


static void GPSisr( uint8_t c )
  gps.handle( c );

} // GPSisr


void setup()
  while (!DEBUG_PORT)

  DEBUG_PORT.print( F("NMEA_isr.INO: started\n") );
  DEBUG_PORT.print( F("fix object size = ") );
  DEBUG_PORT.println( sizeof(gps.fix()) );
  DEBUG_PORT.print( F("NMEAGPS object size = ") );
  DEBUG_PORT.println( sizeof(gps) );
  DEBUG_PORT.println( F("Looking for GPS device on " GPS_PORT_NAME) );

  trace_header( DEBUG_PORT );


  gpsPort.attachInterrupt( GPSisr );
  gpsPort.begin( 9600 );


void loop()
  if (gps.available()) {
    // Print all the things!
    trace_all( DEBUG_PORT, gps, );

  if (gps.overrun()) {
    gps.overrun( false );
    DEBUG_PORT.println( F("DATA OVERRUN: took too long to print GPS data!") );

If I understood correctly I configured NMEAGPS_cfg.h and GPSport.h as described below.
When I compile NMEA_irs.ino in Arduino IDE 1.8.4 I have this error:

Arduino : 1.8.6 (Windows 7), Carte : "Arduino Due (Programming Port)"

In file included from C:\Users\Musique\Documents\Arduino\libraries\NeoGPS-4.2.9\examples\NMEA_isr\NMEA_isr.ino:34:0:

C:\Users\Musique\Documents\Arduino\libraries\NeoGPS-4.2.9\examples\NMEA_isr\NMEA_isr.ino: In function 'void setup()':

C:\Users\Musique\Documents\Arduino\libraries\NeoGPS-4.2.9\src/GPSport.h:74:33: error: 'NeoSerial' was not declared in this scope

              #define DEBUG_PORT NeoSerial


C:\Users\Musique\Documents\Arduino\libraries\NeoGPS-4.2.9\examples\NMEA_isr\NMEA_isr.ino:58:3: note: in expansion of macro 'DEBUG_PORT'



C:\Users\Musique\Documents\Arduino\libraries\NeoGPS-4.2.9\src/GPSport.h:72:30: error: 'NeoSerial1' was not declared in this scope

              #define gpsPort NeoSerial1


C:\Users\Musique\Documents\Arduino\libraries\NeoGPS-4.2.9\examples\NMEA_isr\NMEA_isr.ino:73:3: note: in expansion of macro 'gpsPort'

   gpsPort.attachInterrupt( GPSisr );


C:\Users\Musique\Documents\Arduino\libraries\NeoGPS-4.2.9\examples\NMEA_isr\NMEA_isr.ino: In function 'void loop()':

C:\Users\Musique\Documents\Arduino\libraries\NeoGPS-4.2.9\src/GPSport.h:74:33: error: 'NeoSerial' was not declared in this scope

              #define DEBUG_PORT NeoSerial


C:\Users\Musique\Documents\Arduino\libraries\NeoGPS-4.2.9\examples\NMEA_isr\NMEA_isr.ino:83:16: note: in expansion of macro 'DEBUG_PORT'

     trace_all( DEBUG_PORT, gps, );


C:\Users\Musique\Documents\Arduino\libraries\NeoGPS-4.2.9\src/GPSport.h:74:33: error: 'NeoSerial' was not declared in this scope

              #define DEBUG_PORT NeoSerial


C:\Users\Musique\Documents\Arduino\libraries\NeoGPS-4.2.9\examples\NMEA_isr\NMEA_isr.ino:88:5: note: in expansion of macro 'DEBUG_PORT'

     DEBUG_PORT.println( F("DATA OVERRUN: took too long to print GPS data!") );


exit status 1
Erreur de compilation pour la carte Arduino Due (Programming Port)

Ce rapport pourrait être plus détaillé avec
l'option "Afficher les résultats détaillés de la compilation"
activée dans Fichier -> Préférences.

my NeoGPS and NeoHWSerial directories are in:

I'm sorry but I am a beginner in C, C ++ and Arduino!, can you help me find my mistake?
In passing, a big thank you to all those who contribute with their lib and example to us, beginner, to make us progress! thank you so much!

NMEAGPS_cfg.h (13.5 KB)

GPSport.h (10.5 KB)

NEO isr is setup for a MEGA. You’d have to rewrite the serial receive ISR for your platform. I think that’s in the NEOSerial code, not sure.

I tried to get it going on a teensy 3.6 but Don’t have the time to figure out programming ISR’s at that level for now.

Effectively NeoHWSerial does not work with non-AVR cores like SAM on Due, SAMD on MKR zero or on teensy.
(does this work with Arduino Due? · Issue #1 · SlashDevin/NeoHWSerial · GitHub , NeoSerial does not compile on Arduino Due · Issue #6 · SlashDevin/NeoHWSerial · GitHub)

did anyone manage to run NeoHWSerial on SAM, SAMD or Teensy?