October 24, 2023, 1:28pm
Sorry if this is posted in the wrong area, Feel free to move to appropriate place.
Years ago I added the Adafruit neopixel strand test to my WS2812 led strip lights.
One of the cycles had the rainbow cycle that seemed to randomly sparkle.
I've just downloaded the strand test again after losing all my saved files and the latest version doesn't seem to have the sparkling effect.
I wonder if anyone had an older version that contains it, or knew how I could get it.
Would really appreciate it.
I do not know NeoPixel, but in the FastLED examples in the example DemoReel100 there is the function rainbowWithGlitter() (line 77).
October 24, 2023, 2:17pm
Wow, that was a very quick reply.
I'll try and find that file.
Thank you very much
Just click on the link that I included in the reply (the blue text, DemoReel100).
October 24, 2023, 2:25pm
It's ok I've found it, loaded it and tested it.
That's exactly what I wanted.
Really appreciate it, thank you.
You are welcome. Happy coding.
If your question has been answered to your satisfaction, please mark the thread as solved so that other members that wish to help will not waste their time opening and reading the thread only to find that you no longer require assistance.
October 24, 2023, 3:51pm
Done, (I think), Thanks again.
April 21, 2024, 3:51pm
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