I have had them working in the past and I have no idea what could have happened.
I previous had them working on the metro mini, pin 11 was the data pin with a 330 resistor. The power source was 5V 10A.
I also tried rewiring to use an arduino 101 updating the datapin in the code. still nothing.
I tested the power source voltage 5.13V and the data pin voltage 4.89V which seems suspicious but I'm not sure.
I also bought a second strip thinking that I possibly fried it somehow.
I also tried uploading the test code Test NeoPixel Strip | NeoPixel Painter | Adafruit Learning System updating the data pin and still nothing.
I'm honestly not even sure what to mention since I had everything working and out of no where it stopped. What can I do to trouble shoot this?
Can you please post a copy of your circuit, in CAD or a picture of a hand drawn circuit in jpg, png?
How are you powering the controller?
Have you got the controller gnd connected the neopixel power supply gnd?
Thanks.. Tom..
the circuit matches this one:
I am powering the controller by leaving it plugged into my commputer from which I uploaded the code
I am powering the leds using the 5V 10amp power power supply sold by adafruit
5V 10A switching power supply : ID 658 : $29.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits
and the data pin voltage 4.89V which seems suspicious but I'm not sure.
You can't reliably read "data" with a multimeter. Sometimes it will tend toward the average, sometimes it will tend toward the peak, and sometimes it will jump-around randomly.
A reset should be low and I think it should be in the reset state when the data/colors are not changing, but I don't know if your software/library ever "pauses".
You can try running the Blink Example modified to "blink" pin-6 to see if that pin is working. You might also want to stretch-out the delay so your meter has more time to stabilize. ...Or, just run the Blink Example as-is because if that's not working your Arduino is dead!
I previous had them working on the metro mini, pin 11 was the data pin
Now, you're connected to pin 6. Did you modify your software to match?
Thank you for all your help! Mentioning that 5V vs 0V when the program is paused led me to testing a few different things, I found out that there was a faulty wire connection for ground. I'm glad it was something trivial and I didnt break anything.