Hi, Fairly new to Arduino but have muddled through a few projects so far. We have been tasked with creating a target game for Nerf style guns and successfully sent out a prototype that uses piezo sensors to trigger a count displayed on a large 7 seg display, made out of ws2821b led reel.
Our client has asked us to add sound to trigger on each hit, I have had some success using the dfplayer, however my code for the counter and for the df player seem to be causing issues with each other. Any help with the code would be much appreciated.
Everything works as i want it to if the first trigger is hit within the first few seconds of start up. If it is not then the trigger for the sensor does nothing.
Code below
#include "FastLED.h"
#define DATA_PIN 2
#define LED_TYPE WS2812B
#define NUM_LEDS 63
#define BRIGHTNESS 250
#include "SoftwareSerial.h" // Include the SoftwareSerial library for serial communication
#include "DFRobotDFPlayerMini.h" // Include the DFRobotDFPlayerMini library for the DFPlayer Mini module
SoftwareSerial mySoftwareSerial(10, 11); // Create a software serial connection on pins 10 (RX) and 11 (TX)
DFRobotDFPlayerMini myDFPlayer; // Create a DFPlayerMini object
int btn4=9; //button for reset
int cnt=0;
int incPrev, decPrev, dec2Prev;
const int knockSensor = A0; // the piezo is connected to analog pin 0
const int threshold = 40; // threshold value to decide when the detected sound is a knock or not
int sensorReading = 0;
uint16_t pps = 3; // number of Pixels Per Segment
CHSV segON100(100,255,200); // color of 100s digit segments
CHSV segON10(100,255,200); // color of 10s digit segments
CHSV segON(100,255,200); // color of 1s digit segments
/* CRGB leds[NUM_LEDS]; <--not using this. Using CRGBArray instead. */
CRGBArray<NUM_LEDS> leds;
// Name segments (based on layout in link above) and define pixel ranges.
CRGBSet segA( leds(pps*0, pps-1+(pps*0) ));
CRGBSet segB( leds(pps*1, pps-1+(pps*1) ));
CRGBSet segC( leds(pps*2, pps-1+(pps*2) ));
CRGBSet segD( leds(pps*3, pps-1+(pps*3) ));
CRGBSet segE( leds(pps*4, pps-1+(pps*4) ));
CRGBSet segF( leds(pps*5, pps-1+(pps*5) ));
CRGBSet segG( leds(pps*6, pps-1+(pps*6) ));
uint16_t count = 0; // keeps track of what number to display
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // Allows serial monitor output (check baud rate)
delay(3000); // 3 second delay for recovery
//FastLED.addLeds<LED_TYPE,DATA_PIN,COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip);
FastLED.addLeds<LED_TYPE,DATA_PIN,COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip);
FastLED.clear(); // Initially clear all pixels
mySoftwareSerial.begin(9600); // Start software serial communication at 9600 baud rate
if (!myDFPlayer.begin(mySoftwareSerial)) { // Initialize the DFPlayer Mini module
while (true); // If initialization fails, print error messages and halt the program
myDFPlayer.setTimeOut(500); // Set the timeout value for serial communication
myDFPlayer.volume(15); // Set the volume level (0 to 30)
myDFPlayer.EQ(5); // Set the equalizer setting (0: Normal, 1: Pop, 2: Rock, 3: Jazz, 4: Classic, 5: Bass)
void loop()
int reset = digitalRead(9);
sensorReading = analogRead(knockSensor);
if(reset == HIGH)
count= 0;
if (sensorReading >= threshold)
count+= 50;
myDFPlayer.play(1); // Play the third audio file on the SD card
delay(200); // Delay for 2 seconds
void setSegments(uint16_t count){
// Based on the current count set number segments on or off
uint16_t c1 = 0; // Variable to store 1s digit
uint16_t c10 = 0; // Variable to store 10s digit
uint16_t c100 = 0; // Variable to store 100s digit
uint16_t c;
CHSV segCOLOR(0,0,0);
c1 = count % 10;
c10 = (count / 10) % 10;
c100 = (count / 100) % 10;
//Serial.print("count = "); Serial.print(count); // Print to serial monitor current count
//Serial.print("\t 100s: "); Serial.print(c100); // Print 100s digit
//Serial.print(" 10s: "); Serial.print(c10); // Print 10s digit
//Serial.print(" 1s: "); Serial.println(c1); // Print 1s digit
// Operate on 1s digit segments first, shift them over,
// then 10's digit, and then do the 100s digit segments.
for (uint16_t i=0; i < 3; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
c = c1;
segCOLOR = segON;
if (i == 1) {
c = c10;
segCOLOR = segON10;
if (i == 2) {
c = c100;
segCOLOR = segON100;
segA = segB = segC = segD = segE = segF = segG = CRGB::Black; // Initially set segments off
if (c == 0) { segB = segC = segD = segE = segF = segG = segCOLOR; }
if (c == 1) { segB = segG = segCOLOR; }
if (c == 2) { segA = segB = segC = segE = segF = segCOLOR; }
if (c == 3) { segA = segB = segC = segF = segG = segCOLOR; }
if (c == 4) { segA = segB = segD = segG = segCOLOR; }
if (c == 5) { segA = segC = segD = segF = segG = segCOLOR; }
if (c == 6) { segA = segC = segD = segE = segF = segG = segCOLOR; }
if (c == 7) { segB = segC = segG = segCOLOR; }
if (c == 8) { segA = segB = segC = segD = segE = segF = segG = segCOLOR; }
if (c == 9) { segA = segB = segC = segD = segF = segG = segCOLOR; }
if (i == 0) { // Shift segments over to 1s digit display area
for (uint16_t p=0; p < (7*pps); p++) {
leds[p+(2*7*pps)] = leds[p];
if (i == 1) { // Shift segments over to 10s digit display area
for (uint16_t p=0; p < (7*pps); p++) {
leds[p+(7*pps)] = leds[p];
}//end setSegments