I got some problems keeping connexions alive, through wifi & ethernet.
Although I can connect my Yun to the 1.5.4 software and upload sketches, network connection is no more available in the "tools menu" after a few minutes.
Arduino disappears from the dhcp clients list.
To get the connection, I have to close the soft, disconnect the arduino from power (for a while) and start again.
Any idea ?
Is it possible it's coming from the fact USB do not provide enough power ?
It's difficult to say. Next time it happens, flash on the yun the YunSerialTerminal example and paste here the last 40 lines of the output of command
Please mind that, if your latest sketch used the Bridge, you cannot upload YunSerialTerminal via usb cable as the Bridge on linux side will keep on running and thus avoiding you to access the linux prompt
As an alternative, you can just reset the ar9331 by pressing the white button near the leds
I was experiencing the same problem but it became worst now (after resetting everything) because I can't connect to the Arduino anymore.
It briefly appears on my WiFi available networks as Arduino Yun- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX but when I hit connect it get the following error message:
Windows was unable to connecto to Arduino Yun-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
and the Hotspot dissapears from the list of available connections.
Any hint? I have been fighting against it for more than two days now with no success! It is really frustrating.
Many thanks in advance
Can you upload the wifistatus example and check its output? Is the board still in hotspot mode despite being disappeared from the list on your pc?
Federico, as a matter of fact at this moment I can't download anything to the Yun because I can't connect via WiFi and via USB I'm experiencing the problem posted on
I'm downloading the Mac Version of iDE 1.5.4 to see if I can exit this dead lock situation.
I'm assuming the Yun is somehow in the Hotspot state because I can't see it in the IDE Port option.
Will keep you posted on the results I get when running on MAC
Excuse me, it seems I was not so clear ...
I'm not experiencing problems with the hotspot mode.
Actually, my yun is configured to connect to my local network, receiving its own IP adress by wifi.
As it connects, I can see my arduino in my rooter dhcp clients list.
But after a while, it disappears, and Arduino@IP_adress is no more displayed in the arduino soft "tools" menu.
I've tried to connect it through ethernet, with a rj45 wire, and it's the same : it's on the network for 5 minutes (or less) and then it disappears. Other computers are connected all day along on the network, without any problem.
The definitive way I've found to be sure getting connection again is to reboot linux by pressing the dedicated button on the board !
Federico, I will try to type the command you provide as soon as possible ...
@franck_7L looks like your yun is kicked out of the router. Definitely watch the linux output as the yun starts connecting until it disappears and then post the output here
I was able to reset my Yun following the procedure below:
1 - connect it via cable to my ethernet network
2 - it appeared on the IDE Port options
3 - download the blink example
4 - WiFi reset
5 - follow the "out of the box" procedure.
@simon on mac or on windows?
Federico, on Windows.
great! thank you
I've the same issue, dmesg shows I/O errors all the time with SD and USB wich can't be attached or addressed, respectively. I've NO devices connected through USB, only a 4GB uSD card.
i don't know if it's networks specific or linux-related issue that reboots itself.
I got some problems keeping connexions alive, through wifi & ethernet.
Although I can connect my Yun to the 1.5.4 software and upload sketches, network connection is no more available in the "tools menu" after a few minutes.
Arduino disappears from the dhcp clients list.
To get the connection, I have to close the soft, disconnect the arduino from power (for a while) and start again.
Any idea ?
Is it possible it's coming from the fact USB do not provide enough power ?
Saw your post because I just came across the same issue... the Yun was dropping off wireless intermittently - driving me nuts!
I narrowed it down to being a power supply issue. Drawing power from the Yun was an attached bluetooth (HC-05) master/slave device. Power was being supplied via USB by a blackberry cell phone charger (5V).
When I power the Yun with a more powerful 5.9V supply (to VIN directly) it works like a charm... doesn't act flaky.
How many mA does your charger delivers?
Can you mesure voltage on 5V pin when the yun is connected to you charger? If too few mA are available, voltage goes below 5V
5,9V is too much, but maybe it does not deliver 1A so the voltage drops with higher current.
Anyway, i got this from eBay http://www.ebay.com/itm/USB-Power-Current-Voltage-Tester-USB-Mobile-Power-Current-Test-Detector-Cu3-/141019629057?pt=UK_BOI_Electrical_Test_Measurement_Equipment_ET&hash=item20d56cc601
and managed to measure the voltage and current Yún draws and on my iPhone charger i measured 5,0V and current was around 270mA.
At that moment i used wired ethernet, so with wifi it could be bit more.
And, yes, accuracy of such meter....we dont have to discuss