New Arduino Clone Board - Single Sided USB


We are out with a low cost(price yet to be fixed - around 18$) single sided USB(FTDI) Arduino Clone with Shield Compatibility.

So, I would like to have some name suggestions..(avec duino!!!) and some suggestive tests to see how the board holds up!

Any feedback welcome.


i like the idea you followed there quite much :0)

Do you have any schematics?

Looks nice, Did you route it all manually then?

I was looking for a simple single sided board a few weeks ago but I was looking to produce it myself (that was why it wanted to be single sided).


Since i'm not a hardware guy, i got it designed by a friend and I have a PCB file no schematics as of the moment. Should that help?

Nice and roomy. What's the 8pin chip near the DC power jack? I don't see the other parts of the auto-power-switching circuit, but they could be on the back, I guess.