October 29, 2014, 5:13pm
I'm a new Grove Pi user--I'm trying to set up the DHT sensor and a barometer... the code is compiling, but I'm unable to open the serial port to read the data. I have the Arduino IDE set to Uno... could this be the problem? What board should I select for the Grove Pi? If not, could someone lend some insight as to why I cannot open the serial port..
do you have a link to the grove PI?
I am unfamiliar with that device.
i have the same problem as the threadstarter and since he doesn't answer i try to provide all the information
So the GrovePi ( GrovePi Internet of Things Robot Kit ) is a shield for the Pi that aims to provide easy access to the Grove Sensor System from Seeed Studio ( ) which are ment for Arduino (or their own Arduino Clones Seeeduino, for example the Lotus )
As far as i could find out it has an ATMega328.
I also found this forum post on the manufacturer's forum about this:
In there they refer to the Firmware Update Process which is described here: Updating the Firmware - Dexter Industries
Here is an .ino file which seems to be the firmware on GitHub:
I think this should help someone who has a bit experience (or at least more then me ).
Here are some additional links: has an article about the GrovePi
I hope i could help!
If you need more information, or if i should try something, i'm happy to help.
November 29, 2014, 6:31pm
On an arduino the DHT sensors don't even need a separate shield. But does arduino code even run on a pi?
The Grove Pi has it's own forum. It might be slightly more useful to post your question there, as the people there will have some idea what the *!£% you're talking about.