New library for 28BYJ-48 stepper motors

Hi -

I've started a new library for the dirt cheap but useful 28BYJ-48 5v stepper motor (using ULN2003-based driver board):

Contributions / feedback are welcome

(this is my first Arduino library)


I wanted something that had fine grain control over these motors (using an 8-step sequence)...

I looked at the stepper2.ino 'library' from sbright33, which is handy, well-tested, and powerful - but the code is very difficult to follow and implement.

My hope is to duplicate a lot of that functionality in a more extensible way, in a true library.

The big thing my library is missing right now is (built-in) non-blocking movements - currently, big moves will block the Arduino loop().

The big thing my library is missing right now is (built-in) non-blocking movements - currently, big moves will block the Arduino loop().

Why not use an update() function that checks if it's time for the next step?

Updated with non-blocking moves.

I haven't really tested them yet, so if anyone wants to give it a whirl I'd appreciate.