New Nextion screen, old Nextion library

I'm working on my project which involves a Nextion touchscreen. I'm not an expert with Arduino code so I asked chatGPT for help. The problem I'm running into atm is that GPT is building the code on an old Nextion library which was last updated in 2017 ( ITEADLIB_Arduino_Nextion. The new 2.0.1 Nextion library does not have the same arguments as the old one. So I remove the new library and installed the old one The screen is new and I think this is causing bad/no communication between the Arduino and the display.

How can I fix this? Will getting an older display help? I need to use chatGPT because it's too complex for me to write myself.

I hope someone can help me, I'm kinda stuck atm.

just an idea:

  • stop using chatGPT
  • start learning the new API and how to code by yourself

it's probably not as complex as you seem to think it is

There were probably people saying something similar right after Arduino came to market. I'm just using another tool and when I get stuck I ask for help.

I've been doing this (Using Nextion displays with Arduino) tutorial but I even can't get the arduino to display the clock, so there is something really basic that I'm doing wrong, or there is wrong with the hardware.

I've connected the RX to the TX1 pin and the TX to the RX1 pin. That should be correct. What else can I do wrong? Everything should work the way it's provided.

Please post some clear photos of your setup so I can see what you have. If you have modified any part of my code even a tiny bit please post that too, same with the HMI file.

The problem with you using ChatGPT then asking here for help is that helpers want to help YOU, they don't want to help Chatgpt.

Thanks for responding, I figured out the problem, there was no ground connection from the display to the arduino, beginners mistake :sweat_smile:

This happened because I read somewhere that the arduino was not able to power the screen effectively so I used an external usb power source. But of course there needs to be a loop for the data lines through ground. Your tutorial did hook up the display to the arduino so that's where I went wrong.

Anyway thanks for responding! Hopefully it will go smoother from now on. (with the help of chatGPT ;))

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Glad you got it working.

This is some strange new meaning of 'help' I was not previously aware of.

I've made entire UI's for an app that is command line based with Python while I have never seen python in my life before. ChatGTP is great at coding and debugging stuff for you if you can describe it accurately. I know may sound threatening for well-established coders or maybe just unfair, I feel the same way. I'm a CG artist and lots of beautiful images are being generated in seconds. But it's better to embrace it than to hate it.

Like I said, chatGTP is just a tool to help making programming or coding easier.

If it works for you who am I to say otherwise? However it doesn't have a good reputation here, and folk are reluctant to help fix AI generated code.

And I totally get that. For me it's scary as well. i would be reluctant to help people with AI generated visuals. But yea, it's just a matter of time and nobody will ask for help with coding anymore, if you get my gist.

If you are interested you might like to read this Officially ban ChatGPT and AI

Thanks, it's interesting, it's kinda preaching to the choir but I get it. And I also understand that ChatGTP still produces useless code sometimes so it's not a useful tool. Just give it time, it's already so much better since march.

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Hi, you dont need a library for the Nextion displays, its plain simple serial communication with few rules, PerryBebbington made a topic about everything you need to know, it helped me with my project 2 years ago.
Btw, youre right about ChatGPT, very useful tool and its just going to be better no matter what people say..

That's the way I'm doing it right now, I had some help of a friend who said this was a better way to do it (a real human btw). Took me some time to understand how it works and it's still not working completely but I'll get there.

And yea, it's inevitable that AI are going to help us with all kinds of things. I think the beauty in it is that one person can now R&D a complete product and setup a company, where before you needed specialists in for example coding. And right now you still do, but that gap is shrinking fast.

May be really bad programmers feel so but they should not be in that business in the first place. It’s not the point here.

One of the goal of the forum is to help people learn coding in C++ for Arduino and Contributors give away previous personal time to contribute to developing skills.

What we have witnessed often now is that we see a student very late in a school project (because they didn’t do a damn thing for weeks) coming here close to the deadline and complain their teacher sucks, they did not get any help and really really need a hand to fix their code that they thought chatGPT would have generated for them without any issue….

If you insist that We won’t help them cheat and they should set that code aside and invest a bit in themselves to learn the basics and come back later to their project, they argue they have no time for that (they are so busy on social networks and gaming), it’s urgent and their life depends on getting this done and passing their exam with flying colors…

Those are the type of asks that do not receive much help here.

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This sounds to me like the average teenager, with or without chatGPT.

Demonizing GPT will only work against yourself :slight_smile:

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There is no "Demonizing".

I find it pretty good at many things when you have the skills to ask the right question and can read and tweak the generated code.

Many here just feel there is little value in debugging a chatGPT generated code that does not work and that the requester does not understand. It's best to start from scratch and take small progressive steps to reach the goal - possibly being helped along the way by chatGPT, why not... But what matters is that the student understands what he does and develops skills.

Said differently, why would we spend precious time and efforts to help someone who does not want to spend his own time or making the efforts required for his own skills development / school achievement? ➜ That's the point here

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I think that's totally unfair to a great many teenagers who work very hard at whatever it is that interests them, or even doesn't interest them but they see as important. Sure there are some lazy ones, but many are far from lazy.

Sorry @tok_tok , we are well off your original topic, if you wish I can separate the ChatGPT stuff into a separate topic. Up to you.

No it's fine, you can close the topic