New Project advice.. .undercabinet lighting

Quick and dirty...

I've got an Arduino uno that i've been using to control an LED neopix strip. So i can now make it do anything I want with the strip, change colors etc.

I would love to do a project in my home where I make under cabinet lighting that is motion controlled.

Can a Mini handle this, with a separate power supply for the LED's of course?

I haven't been keeping up with the models for a while as I'm pretty happy with the uno. So is there a better model for this task?

I have the motion sensors, and looking at a dimmable LED strip i can cut apart. I would use the adafruit strip clips so i can join the sections together... i'm sure those with more experience get the idea. Motion activated sections of an LED strip, connected, and activated by motion.

I've found projects on the internet but many of them just tell what they did. They leave out the components, resistors, etc. I don't even want their code.

So thoughts on which controller would be best? Have a link to a good project? I've looked at about 30.

What you are thinking about is reasonable.
Maybe use an IR remote to set colours.

Wasn't really worried about colors. Although one of the projects i came across had smart phone control for his under cabinet lighting, he could change the colors from his smart phone via a network connection. Would be cool when we're entertaining people, but it would be a plus.

Reasonable? Dunno. The wife will probably cut off a project that goes a couple of hundred dollars.

Right now i see myself needing a control unit (of course!), built in wifi would be awesome but i see there are a lot of choices for this now! wow.
LED strip i can separate, probably from adafruit.
case to hold it.
wires to extend between sets of cabinets. max distance from controller will be about 10ft of cabling.

Promini would be great for that.

I am doing the same, might use Bobuino or Pro Mini.

I picked up 5V 40amp power supplies:
Power Supplies

Will be using this to contol them:
IR Remote

Still haven't decided. The promini looks like a good choice, would just need to add wifi or ethernet. That power supply looks perfect too!

Would the mini be able to send it's control signal far enough? possible 15ft - 20ft of wire. It wouldn't need to be amplified would it?

Since you are interested in incorporating wifi in a project using a microcontroller you may want to check out a family of devices that is of much interest to hobbyists. For just a few bucks you can have wifi and a microcontroller via an ESP8266. - Scotty