new shield

I made a shield that allows to switch small loads and to read the status of digital signals.
This is the user's guide: Manuale_DAQ_Shield_v2.pdf - Google Drive
What do you think?

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Thank you, sir
Now it will work

Manuale_DAQ_Shield_v2.pdf (223 KB)

I think it is nice, looks good and all that.

100mA is not a lot of current. I would suggest that your guide makes it very clear that the switching capabilty is only 100mA. Otherwise there will be lots of blue smoke...

I can increase this limit to 600mA simply by changing output optorelays.

I am only one person, but my personal opinion is that would be a good idea.

In the usual OpenHardware spirirt - you may consider including the circuit diagram in your excellent manual. (It would f.ex. make it easier for someone to replace a burned out chip)

better update the title what this new shield is about...
you can register it at