new to all this...

Hi everyone, im starting my very first project ever and i could really use suggestions for a camera choice to work with my arduino BT.

The project entitles taking an image of around 640x480 (or less) pixels and sending that image via wireless (bluetooth) to another pc. I bought the arduino bt for the built in bluetooth module.

Now for the camera i originally bought the cmos TCM8240MD camera for its i2c interface. Unfortunately i'm realizing that its documentation is not too good, as well as I need to make my own break out board for it and that is gonna require too much time.

The only thing similar i've found is the Canon EOS project but overall i rather be using a CMOS camera. If anyone has any suggestions as to a good mounted camera with proper documentation i'd be forever thankful.

If you want the video/image to be relayed or processed in any way with the Arduino you are out of luck.
Theres not enough processing power or memory to do anything with video.

If you want the arduino to turn it on or make a pan and tilt base to point it in the right direction you can.
But you will have to relay the video signal another way via wire or wirelesly to something with a bit more oomph.


to process any camera images you will need a computer's processing power. This is where the Mini-ITX computers come in really handy. They have a tiny footprint and their PSUs are very good at filtering noise.

Also using and ITX computer you no longer need crappy CMOS cameras and you can invest in cheaper, better quality USB ones.

i should clarify a bit more.

I dont need video, just low res images only like once a minute (frame rate is not important at all). The board doesnt need to process it at all, it just needs to control the camera to take the image and send the data via bluetooth to another proper pc to be processed.

So I just need the data to be relayed, if there's not enough memory on the ATmega168 could i not just add some extra memory? I was under the impression i could just send the data as it comes so memory wouldn't have been a major problem.

Thanks in advance for your help guys.

The arduino are fully capable of simulating button presses.

As of memory: you can not add memory, and the memory is an issue when 'sending the data as it comes' because it need to be stored somwhere.
