New to arduino and have a project

I want to use the arduino to build a tractor guidance system with GPS input and LED light bar output.

I have not used this technology before so am quite unsure even where to begin after being convinced that with the arduino the answer to can it be done is yes.

There are several good commercial light bar guidance systems available but kind of pricey - actually I have one. I want to use arduino, get a GPS signal at 2 locations to establish a straight line, then after turning at the end of a field, be able to set an offset to the straight line by equipment width, approximately lineup after the turn, re-engage or reset the device then have a light bar with LED, green means you are on the line, yellow left or red left means you need to adjust your driving line.

This is quite common but am hoping to build a really inexpensive and simple unit which I can move from tractor to tractor.

How to get started help please


This is quite common but am hoping to build a really inexpensive and simple unit which I can move from tractor to tractor.

So, what is the problem? Aside from the fact that good GPSs aren't "really inexpensive".

You might check the ardupilot setup. Your tractor could be an airplane that doesn't go up and down.

You might check the ardupilot setup. Your tractor could be an airplane that doesn't go up and down.

That depends on how bumpy/hilly the field is.