Hey everyone,
I'm looking to create a small arduino device that constantly records ambient information via sensors and then sends that data back to the internet where it can be organized / manipulated (api).
I'd like to constantly record time, location (gps), ambient temperature, and audio (microphone).
As I gain more familiarity with what I'm doing, I'd like to add additional sensors like heartbeat, fingerprint, etc.
It could also be interesting to include a LCD screen that displays the data being collected in real time - but I'll consider that a cosmetic addition that can be added later.
The essence of this project is to basically carry this thing around with me 24/7 and start building a "api" for my human. Anyone w/ access to the api could see my location (current, and archive), temperature, and audio (maybe thats private).
From the api, we could pull some interesting conclusions from the dataset, like how much more do I leave the house when the temperature is above 70 degrees - or - What locations do I visit with the most frequency, and is there any pattern to the days of the week that I go to these places.
I really just want to start recording & collecting data on myself and see where that takes me.
---------- Questions -------------
How would the data collected from sensors be sent to the internet - via a wifi shield?
What if there's no wifi connection at a certain time - can it still collect & archive the data and send it when a connection is found?
How would this be powered - is battery the best option?
Do you guys think this project possible? How hard would you estimate this would be to execute?
Thanks! Excited to get started.
- J