New To Arduino, Need Help with Automated Garden Project

New To Arduino, Need Help with Automated Garden Project

Hello :slight_smile: I've been studying Arduino Hardware/software for a while and can now finally order an Uno and parts, they will arrive from Adafruit this Friday so I am getting ready for it.

I am working on an Automated Garden project. Phase 1 that I need some help with here is creating a Plant Cutting Cloner / Seedling Environment. I've got a Rubbermaid tote with Fluorescent lighting and a Clone Dome setup inside.

The Arduino will need to Control the Heat Mat thermostat and lighting via a 2 Channel Power relay, RTC, and Temperature sensor.

My Parts:

  • Arduino Uno R3
  • Adafruit PCF8523 RTC Module
  • DS18B20 Temperature Sensor
  • 2 Channel Relay

I am following these two guides and using these libraries for the RTC and the Temperature Probe:

Attached is a schematic I've designed and made in Illustrator for the Relay to control the outlet plug. Each Outlet independently controlled , any issues there?

My Initial Questions are:

The RTC requires being plugged into A4/A5 (SDA/SCL) if plug this in to the 2 pins near AREF are A4/A5 still unusable?

Is this a good starting point for RTC Timing switching a Pin that runs the relay?

pumpPIN = Relay controlled outlet in schematic -

#include <RTClib.h>

#include <DallasTemperature.h>

#include <OneWire.h>

void setup() {
int pumpPin = 6;
pumpPin == LOW;

void loop() {
DateTime now =;
//If it is 4pm
if (now.hour(16)&& now.minute(00))
PumpPIN == HIGH;
//Or if it is 5pm
else if (now.hour(17)&& now.minute(00))
PumpPIN == HIGH;
//Or if it is 6pm
else if (now.hour(18)&& now.minute(00))
//Or if not any listed times
pumpPIN == LOW;

Aswer for your first question is No since they are connected to each other