New to Button Boxes and would like help

Hello all,

I'm sorry that this gets covered a lot, but I'm a simple man and can't see the answers I'm looking for in a way I can understand.

I'm looking to build a button box for a Flight Sim (yes most of us are), I understand that I can get it working using Keyboard and Mouse Libraries (read that area) and I have looked at wiring diagrams that look simple enough for how I am thinking of making it work (about 32 buttons which modifying someone else's 25 button one shouldn't be to hard).

But I have become stumped at the following two parts.

Can I use a Mega 2560 (bought one before looking into it) to run keyboard and mouse libraries or am I better off using a UNO or LEONARDO?

Secondly can someone point me at where I start with the coding? I'm sure that I need to start with a simple button 2 = "Hello world", which will let me change it to a different input and then copying it to the other buttons.

Once again I'm sorry that these questions come up a lot, but thank you in advance.

Can I use a Mega 2560 (bought one before looking into it) to run keyboard and mouse libraries


Secondly can someone point me at where I start with the coding?

Click on the Arduino icon. Really simple.

Thank you so much,

I knew I should have come here to the brains trust before jumping in with both feet.

Well I'm off to Jaycar tomorrow to see if they will let me swap my Mega for a UNO then.