New to Leonardo


I just ordered a Leonardo to help me interface arcade buttons with a VJ program. I am very NEW to this board. Meaning, I have a basic understanding.

My VJ program has videos mapped to keypad numbers (1,3,4,6,7,9) Press the number the video plays.

I'm using Leonardo because it has built in USB communication.

Some issues I am reading over say I may encounter some buffer issues, the board will over take my default keyboard and make random presses if the code is not correct.

Also, will the code get erased every-time it is powered off?

Is there anyone willing to help me code this properly? It seems simple enough but im a n00b!

Any help is appreciated! :confused:

What is VJ ?

A Leonardo can be programmed to send keystrokes to a PC. See here.

The program on the Arduino will not be lost when it is switched off.

If you just want someone to write the program for you, you should ask in the Gigs and Collaborations section - and you may have to pay.

If you want to learn how to do it yourself you will get plenty of help here. Start with the simple code in the keyboard reference section and also look at the other examples that come with the Arduino IDE.
