New topic suggestion for HMI scada Interfacing arduino

I think all these subject can make one subject name: Interfacing with Arduino: Display, LCD, HMI, SCADA, PC, Wireless, etc

  • Interfacing w/ Software on the Computer
  • Some of: Science and Measurement
  • Display

IMHO there are already too many topics and people find it very hard to figure what should go where. Or maybe they don't even try.


This is my suggestion: to reduce the number of suject. Of course it may be infaisable to join or to have people keep going on in another subject. Closing a subject to have the conversation keep going on another one may be rude.

This is my suggestion: to reduce the number of suject.

I think I misunderstood. I thought you were proposing to add a new subject. But now I think you are proposing that three subjects be merged into one. Am I correct?

I never look at Science and Measurement or Displays so I have no idea what they contain. (I don't have time).

I don't think merging "some of" anything is a practical option.


Yes my suggestion was to come with a smaller number of subjects.
I'm sure the situation where subjects could be group for better efficiency happen often.

What about rerouting people to a new but better identify subject:

  1. create a new subject more appropriate
  2. rerouting people in the old subject to the new one (old subject close for new post)
  3. eventually deleting old subject.

But this is just an idea.
I understand the practical issue could be a major one.