New UNO. Win8 IDE: Can't select PORT. Grey'd out.

Hello and Thanks,

First off I read the forum and some say my board is bad as it doesn't have a USB driver installed on it.

It is a Keystudio R3 I got from Amazon.

I first noted the blink sketch would't upload, then I tried Serial Mon, that failed (board at COM4 Unavailible). The Port menu item is grey'd out [it should be international LAW to give a tooltip as to reason anything is greyed out!!!]. Then some drivers automatically installed on the system. I retry above, same result.

I went into DevMan (win8.1) and found it happy on COM3. IDE insists on COM4. The board clearly is connecting, but Arduino IDE isn't liking it. Any ideas?

With 72 posts on your name, I assume that this is not your first Arduino. Correct?

The IDE uses the last port that you managed to select; so your other Arduino was probably on COM4.

Just confirming that removing / inserting the Arduino makes COM3 disappear / appear in device manager?
Which IDE version are you using?
Is your board an Uno clone or a Mega clone or ...? Sorry, just saw this in the title.
If (1) is true, download a terminal program (e.g. realTerm) and run the loopback test on COM3 (described in a sticky in this section of the of the forum). Can you communicate (baudrate and settings are irrelevant for this test)?

From the instructions here, it looks like it uses the standard driver so it should work out-of-the box :wink:

By the way, drivers are installed on the PC, not on the board. The board has a bootloader in the main micro (e.g. 328P on an Uno); if it's missing, it will effect the actual upload, it should not affect the ports that are showing in the IDE.