New user. Project in mind. Overwhelmed.


I stumbled upon arduino while searching I/O. I can see MANY uses arduino could offer for my applications, and would like to learn more about this device and its community. Also, I would like to take any information learned here, and give back to my more frequented forums.

A little background on me: I am an active automotive enthusiast. Main area of interest being general motors generation 3 and generation 4 engines. I have used a third party program to reflash and modify my stock ecu to accommodate for upgrades, but recently I have come across something this program cannot do. I need help controlling an part not installed from the factory, a turbocharger waste gate.

Basically, this is a pneumatic operated valve. Currently, I am controlling this valve mechanically, but would like to control it off of electronic sensors installed in these vehicles from the factory. For example: vehicle speed sensor(vss), manifold abosolute pressure sensor(map), engine rpms, etc...

Long story short, what would everyone recommend to start with? Boards, solenoids, basic hardware and information, etc... I just need a little help or links to get started. The searches are overwhelming. Also, maybe a plan to develop this product as my skills progress. Example:

Revision 1.). Control waste gate via a mechanical restriction and a solenoid. Powered on or off with a switch.

Revision 2.). Same as above, but with a vehicle supplied sensor and preset triggers. Most factory sensors work on a 0-5v.

Revision 3.). Incorporate pwm to previously mentioned solenoid to operate valve variably based on a factory installed sensor.

Revision 4.). Incorporate a display to adjust predefined parameters for pwm to solenoid.

Any help is appreciated. My programming is on the basic level. I have messed around with python. I understand the basic terms, but have never had any motivation to apply them to a real project. This may be the opportunity I need to progress in many areas of my interest. Thank you for any help.

My initial advice would be to get an Arduino Uno as a development platform and get familiar with it. Driving a solenoid will probably require a transistor (MOSFET) so do a bit of research about that, and get that working.

You could also experiment with reading sensors.

Various suppliers sell LCD screens with various ways of connecting them. Depends what you want to display. Two lines? Four lines? Graphics?

One supplier is Adafruit:

That page alone lists quite a few products which do different things.

To get started with programming, get some LEDs blinking. Simple stuff, but it will give you confidence. :slight_smile:


I stumbled upon arduino while searching I/O. I can see MANY uses arduino could offer for my applications, and would like to learn more about this device and its community. Also, I would like to take any information learned here, and give back to my more frequented forums.

A little background on me: I am an active automotive enthusiast. Main area of interest being general motors generation 3 and generation 4 engines. I have used a third party program to reflash and modify my stock ecu to accommodate for upgrades, but recently I have come across something this program cannot do. I need help controlling an part not installed from the factory, a turbocharger waste gate.

Basically, this is a pneumatic operated valve. Currently, I am controlling this valve mechanically, but would like to control it off of electronic sensors installed in these vehicles from the factory. For example: vehicle speed sensor(vss), manifold abosolute pressure sensor(map), engine rpms, etc...

Long story short, what would everyone recommend to start with? Boards, solenoids, basic hardware and information, etc... I just need a little help or links to get started. The searches are overwhelming. Also, maybe a plan to develop this product as my skills progress. Example:

Revision 1.). Control waste gate via a mechanical restriction and a solenoid. Powered on or off with a switch.

Revision 2.). Same as above, but with a vehicle supplied sensor and preset triggers. Most factory sensors work on a 0-5v.

Revision 3.). Incorporate pwm to previously mentioned solenoid to operate valve variably based on a factory installed sensor.

Revision 4.). Incorporate a display to adjust predefined parameters for pwm to solenoid.

Any help is appreciated. My programming is on the basic level. I have messed around with python. I understand the basic terms, but have never had any motivation to apply them to a real project. This may be the opportunity I need to progress in many areas of my interest. Thank you for any help.

OK before you want to control anything and change things you need to be able to read sensor values and understand the information you are receiving and act on it.

  1. What year are we talking with your vehicles ? ANything after 1996 will have at least some version of an OBD-II port - you can get lots of info from the ECU on the car via this port - if this is an option you want to look at and ELM27 interface. You may also want to do a search on OBDDuino and Penguino both of which are projects for Arduino ECU interfacing.

  2. As Nic says get some fun things to play with - buttons, LEDs and the like and you can get a feel for how to program and play.

  3. Remember if installing in a car you will need VERY GOOD power protection - one option is to pull power from the OBD port which is protected 5V


I´m also a bit of a noob with these things, if i were doing this then i would follow their advice,
buy or scavange some parts, mosfets, solenoids etc, maybe a lm35 temp sensor, get an lcd display, they are easy enough to play with.

Once you have a few of the basic building blocks have a crack at making it work and see how many devices get fried in the process :slight_smile:


Is there a CANbus interface for the arduino? I suggest reading up on OBD and CANbus to start. Then figure out how to hook into it. Actually controlling the waste gate will probably be the simplest part of the project. :smiley:

Thank you very much for all the responses everyone! They are all very helpful. The vehicle the project would be build for is a 2003. So, obd2 is available for it. Only issue is, the program mentioned in my previous comment. I use it to reflash/scan my factory pcm(powertrain control module). It has a very nice data logger that I use scan all factory installed sensors. I would not like to give up my odb2 port. Now, I am all for using the obd2 if the signal can be split to two different sources. One source being my data logger, and the second being my arduino project.

Another option could possible be tapping into my 0-5v output signals via the vehicles wiring harness. I do have a complete pin out of the pcm, so this would not be an issue. For example, my manifold absolute pressure sensor reads from 0-320kpa. It does this linearly on a 0-5v output. Couldn't I just tap into the 5v output?

I am all for the easiest option. Suggestions welcome.

Thank you very much for all the responses everyone! They are all very helpful. The vehicle the project would be build for is a 2003. So, obd2 is available for it. Only issue is, the program mentioned in my previous comment. I use it to reflash/scan my factory pcm(powertrain control module). It has a very nice data logger that I use scan all factory installed sensors. I would not like to give up my odb2 port. Now, I am all for using the obd2 if the signal can be split to two different sources. One source being my data logger, and the second being my arduino project.

Another option could possible be tapping into my 0-5v output signals via the vehicles wiring harness. I do have a complete pin out of the pcm, so this would not be an issue. For example, my manifold absolute pressure sensor reads from 0-320kpa. It does this linearly on a 0-5v output. Couldn't I just tap into the 5v output?

I am all for the easiest option. Suggestions welcome.

A while ago i stumbled upon a "piggy back" obd2 connector i.e. it let you have two OBD monitors attached at once. I did not bookmark it at the time as i did not have a use for it.

I am sure you will be able to find one with a bit of searching.

You could try tapping into the existing sensor circuits - there "should" be no issues with doing so.


Thought I would do a little update on this. After further reading, I think my biggest struggle will be with the electronics of arduino. For example: MOSFETs, resistors, power supply, etc... Still looking for for the best arduino kit to start with. This is on my top so far:

Any other reccomendations? I've got a radio shack local, but that is the extent to my electronic products that are readily available. Just wanting everything I need to get started and not break the bank if I crash with this whole thing.

Thought I would do a little update on this. After further reading, I think my biggest struggle will be with the electronics of arduino. For example: MOSFETs, resistors, power supply, etc... Still looking for for the best arduino kit to start with. This is on my top so far:

Budget Pack for Metro 328 - with Assembled Metro ATmega328P : ID 193 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits

That's actually probably a good kit to start with; nothing too fancy - enough basic parts to get your feet wet with. Get something like that, and play with it until you understand how everything is working and why. Then you can move on to other parts.

Any other reccomendations? I've got a radio shack local, but that is the extent to my electronic products that are readily available. Just wanting everything I need to get started and not break the bank if I crash with this whole thing.

That kit above will give you enough to learn how to read a sensor (like an LDR, potentiometer, or switch) - which should be enough to help you understand how to do the same with the sensors on your car (or from OBD). Output, though, is kinda lacking (your only option with the kit looks like LEDs or the serial port). Still, that's enough to learn how to understand sensor input, and change the output of something in response.

Later, you're going to want to learn how to control something to move that wastegate; for that, I am not sure how well a solenoid would work - most of the time, solenoids are on or off, though perhaps with PWM control you can make it move to a certain point - but how well it will hold that position is up in the air (unless you have some way to sense the position of the angle the wastegate is at). You might want to look into a servo control system (though how well a standard R/C servo will stand up to an engine compartment is anyone's guess - shop carefully!). Or, you may want to build your own servo control system with a DC gearmotor, a potentiometer to monitor the angle, and an h-bridge to control the potentiometer.

Moving the wastegate isn't the issue here - monitoring it and providing proper servo control - so it always stays at the same angle regardless of vibrations or other issues trying to shift it - is more difficult. But not impossible; just take your time and research the problems - break each problem into smaller ones, and tackle them independently until you understand and solve them. And of course ask around here for help.

As for electronic parts - Radio Shack should be a "last resort" kind of place; they really aren't the place they used to be back in the day. Instead, shop for parts on Ebay (if you don't mind the wait) - or go thru Adafruit, Sparkfun, and other online stores (there are an absolute ton of them, ask around here or do some research on here for more options).

I personally like surplus; great for those personal "one-off" projects that you don't intend to replicate or sell. My favorite places:

That last one has something interesting I always like to recommend to those just starting out (some may say I am evil for it, though) - check out this product: (they also offer a smaller version)

Basically, it is a box of tons of electronic "floor sweepings" - they really aren't, but that's the derisive term. You'll find a ton of strange and wonderful parts in the box; in many cases you'll find enough quality parts that more than make up for the cost of the box. Every box is different. Basically, though, the savings come at a cost: You have to sort out the parts - and there is an absolute ton of parts in the box, like you wouldn't believe. Everything from LEDs, to transistors, to diodes, resistors, capacitors, potentiometers, switches, coils, and on and on...

I have a ton of other links for other surplus suppliers (electronics and otherwise) - send me a PM if you think you might be interested. But those three above are ones that I have ordered from often in the past; they are all reputable.

I am thoroughly impressed with how helpful this forum is. The "surprise box" is very tempting to me. The logic behind how a waste gate works is very primitive to me. To the point where it aggrivating. Automotive technology is very advanced, but the common aftermarket is under developed.

I cannot agree more with your idea of how I should operate this valve. You are basically describing a closed loop system. I am very familiar with closed loop systems.

Here is my plan to operate this solenoid. Let me know your opinion. The solenoid will pulse to act as an air restriction to vary the output of my wastegate. The operation of my waste gate will change the impellor speeds of my turbo. This will give my engine more or less air. The air will enter my intake manifold where I have a manifold absolute pressure sensor. Basically a pressure sensor reading 0-305kpa. Based on output of this sensor, I would like to provide feedback for my pwm solenoid. Creating a closed loop system.

The only issue I can see with this is delay time between the pwm of the solenoid, and the feedback from the pressure sensor. Also, I would only want to do this under full throttle conditions. May need to add in an output from my throttle sensor to only active under full throttle conditions.

Question for ya since this is your thing. You can monitor rpms from the OBD2 plug right? Sounds stupid but i need it for my project on the car also.

Question for ya since this is your thing. You can monitor rpms from the OBD2 plug right? Sounds stupid but i need it for my project on the car also.

Yes in most cases - depending on the year of the car and what PIDs they support for OBD

have a look at OBDUINO
