New webServer with ajax inputs problem

Good evening to all developers!
I have the arduino uno and I found the new web server from Arduino Playground - WebServerST #. Uzmwuqh_tA0.
I can not customize my old web server in the above example. More specifically, I have a problem in server response from the client in ajax inpouts. Could anyone help me? The major trouble is this: When the http request (that will come from the client and will be /ajax_inputs or /ajax_inputs$LED1=1 or /ajax_inputs$LED1=0.....) how will recognize and sends it on 2 function I have?(SetLEDs(); and XML_response(); )

and this is the new web server code I mentioned. I've changed trying to adapt it to my requirements.

This is my html file and works perfect in my old web server code

this is my old webserver code

New_WebServer.ino (17.1 KB)

eth_websrv_SD_Ajax_in_out_all_off.ino (9.86 KB)

index.htm (9.16 KB)

This is a pretty good example with ajax.

my old webserver file is this you will post and i have some change for me and works perfect...

hi peiperakos,
i try the same and use the webserverST code from SurferTim too. its much more stable than the one from the turorial at startingelektronics.

ajax works with the ST too in my first try.

i want to make it perfekt is my next steps in the following days before chrismas.
if u have some finished solutions for the ST it would be nice if u can send/post it.

greetings :slight_smile: