New member bryanmc1988 has coined the word sketching for coding a sketch. Least I think he coined it, it don't recall seeing it before. Makes perfect sense to me....
Sure, why not? We have paintings, we have drawings, castings, etchings, why not sketchings?
All are somewhat works of art...
Zakly- and if the program is a "sketch", the programming is "sketching".
Boss: What are you doing?
Employee: Sketching
Boss: You're fired
if the program is a "sketch", the programming is "sketching".
Seems backwards somehow.
We paint a painting, yet the act itself is also painting,
draw a drawing, the act itself is also drawing,
shouldn't we then sketch a sketching? Tho the act could also sketching.
On the other hand, that's English for you!
I quite like that sketching idea ..
Thats English as you say Bob, but where Jimbo and I live, there are 11 official languages !
I think it would be skets in Afrikaans .
Dont know any of the others, but " isketching " might cover a lot of them
Well, I'm gonna stick with writing code, 8), or programming my microcontroller.
Well, I'm gonna stick with writing code, 8), or programming my microcontroller.
Or "bugging".... since if de-bugging is taking bugs out, programming must be putting bugs in.
embugging ?
Not sure that applies anymore - I've only had to fix typos recently to let code compile. No bugs.
I write - er sketch, more bugs than a rainforest undergrowth, but when I get caught up with work I am going to spend some time to learn properly...
Sheesh, I'm only just getting used to calling it "coding" instead of "programming".
Not sure that applies anymore - I've only had to fix typos recently to let code compile. No bugs.
Wish I could say the same. Any time my code compiles and runs the first time with no obvious errors, I start getting really suspicious that somehow the new code isn't in effect yet.
Writing Code or Programing does pertain to a vary broad spectrum. My dad was a programer making programs with wires and punch cards forever ago. The function is the same for all while the method changes. So for the Arduino IDE just calling it a Sketch is a name change in itself so the function of doing that can very well be called sketching which would result in one knowing that you are making a program for an Arduino.
if the program is a "sketch", the programming is "sketching".
Seems backwards somehow.
We paint a painting, yet the act itself is also painting,
draw a drawing, the act itself is also drawing,
shouldn't we then sketch a sketching? Tho the act could also sketching.On the other hand, that's English for you!
Would it be etch-a-sketching?
program, programming,
sketch, sketching,
code, coding,
painting, paint,
worrying about semantics, too much time on their hands.
Drive on a parkway, park on a driveway.
Stuff delivered by ship is cargo, stuff delivered by roadways is a shipment.
Jumbo shrimp exist.
Yep. English is pretty much broken.
So a sketch that is badly written could be called graphitti.
And why do we coin phrases, yet talk money?
English doesn't borrow from other languages; it follows them down dark alleys, beats them up, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.
And why do we talk about verbal abuse when the real victims are the nouns.
Sure, why not? We have paintings, we have drawings, castings, etchings, why not sketchings?
All are somewhat works of art...
Come up and see my sketchings... ]