Newb Question, Getting Started

I have been wanting to get an arduino for a long while now and the other day i saw the netduino

I was wondering where i should start( Arduino Mega VS. Netduino )

I like the netduino because of the threading and the Event based programming.

I would just like some input from guys that know what they are doing :wink:

From a first look the netduino uses the .net framework from Microsoft, so that puts me off for a start.
It is a much more powerful processor with a much more involved operating system. While I don't mind power I do mind an intrusive operating system, you never know what it is doing and will probably end up sucking all the power out of the processor. Operating system usually do. The name suggests it is trying to pull some cache from this project, and for that I hate it.

Thanx for the reply, I'll definitely be looking at the mega instead and if i really do need the extra kick later on i can always make a plan

threading and the Event based programming

As grumpy says this sort of stuff will suck the power from a processor quicker than you can say AVR.

I must say though that at first glance the netduino does look pretty nice, with an ARM7 it can probably handle all the .NET crap and still be usefull, but only 128k of flash, I don't know how much the NET.bloat code will eat into that.


Well i had a glance at their ethernet revision thats still in the works and they say just the code for that will probably leave you with no space for anything else, but i ordered my Arduino mega and its on its way ;D