I am looking for a suitable sensor to program with the arduino (Uno/Mega) that could help me measure the length , height of big vehicles like a truck. I looked up IR sensors and a Few UV sensors but all of them have range of a few mm-cm . I am looking for a range of atleast a few metres. Can anyone please suggest , need help .And thanx in advance !!
UV? You mean ultrasonic?
Have a look here: first one I looked at was 5m range.
setup a bunch of lasers shooting across the road at 2m, 2.2m, 2.4m etc up to 4 or 5m, depending on which laser beams are interrupted by the passage of the truck, you can determine how high it is.
Thank you for your response . Just a doubt , wont setting up several laser beams be a costly setup . I am trying to make it as cost effective as possible .
Well you could have an ultrasonic sensor on a gantry pointing down to give the height, but of course not all the bottoms will be the same height above ground.
And to get the width I guess you could have ultrasonic pointing from both sides and a bit of arithmetic will give the width.
Length might be a problem because of the cab in the front.