This is my first post, but I did try to research this as best I could before posting. I just can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here.
The purpose of this app is to do a table lookup from a resistance table and tell me what the temperature is based on that resistance. I can't even get to the lookup part yet because I can't get this thing to do the simple math required to get my resistance values. When I try to do a floating point operation something goes awry. I'd appreciate any help I can get.
Thanks from a first-timer.
Here is the output:
Pit= 0 aval=954 vaval= ? raval= ?
Pit=10752 aval=954 vaval= ? raval= ?
Pit=10752 aval=954 vaval= ? raval= ?
Pit=10752 aval=954 vaval= ? raval= ?
Pit=10752 aval=954 vaval= ? raval= ?
Pit=10752 aval=954 vaval= ? raval= ?
Pit=10752 aval=954 vaval= ? raval= ?
Here is the program:
#define NUMTEMPS 342
unsigned int pit_temp = 0;
unsigned int setpoint = 100;
short temptable[NUMTEMPS][2] = { // Cooper Atkins Resistance Table
void setup() {
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
pit_temp = thermister_temp(analogRead(5));
delay (1000);
int thermister_temp(int aval) {
int Z;
char line[40];
float voltage_aval = aval / 1024 * 5.0;
float resistance_aval = (1000 * voltage_aval) / (5.0 - voltage_aval);
sprintf(line, "Pit=%3d aval=%3d vaval=%3f raval=%3f", pit_temp, aval, voltage_aval, resistance_aval);
for (int i=NUMTEMPS; i>0; i--)
if (temptable[i][1] >= resistance_aval)
Z = temptable[i+1][0];
return (Z);