Newbie need help with serial read and write

Hi everyone! I just got my first arduino mega board to start learning. My first task for the board is to read incoming serial data on comm pins 14 and 15 and print this data to the serial monitor. I then want to take that data and copy it to print it at will to comm pins 16 and 17. Any help would be appreciated!

Have you done any programming before?

Perhaps you should start with blinking an LED.

Do you have any code you've started you can post?

Why those particular pins?

The Arduino Mega has three hardware serial ports so it would be rather odd to use arbitrary pins in preference to the pins with native hardware support.

The Arduino Mega also supports the software serial library on certain pins including 14,15 but not 16,17, so it would be easy enough to use that library with the right selection of I/O pins if more serial ports were required. Getting serial working on pins 16,17 would require writing your own polled software serial.

It seems that you are either making things unnecessarily difficult or have been given artificial constraints, perhaps as an educational exercise.

Is that code for "We won't do your homework for you"?